in zappl •  7 years ago  (edited)

Did you ever read the 10X Rule by @grantcardone? I talked about it several times in the past... if you want to start dominating in life, it's one of the best books ever written. Highly Recommended!

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never read it , thanks!

It will take your game to the next level :)

Oh man Charles, You are up in the middle of the night like me too? Or maybe you are just getting up early? LOL
You do live in the city that never sleeps!

Yeahhhh man, Grind don't stop in las Vegas haha

True Dat

I just got into Grant Cardone, finished about 3 audio books this week on audible, that's one of the next ones I'm listening to. Just finished, Richest Man in Babylon, Millionaire Next Door, Millionaire Fast Lane & Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I got all those books ... you want to borrow them at all lol

Hahahaha. No man I have no attention span I have to listen to the audio.

10X is a great book!

Top Notch! :)

I'll have to look it up as I haven't been reading as much as I should (well reading outside of steemit).

It's the go to book, get the audio :)