If You Cant Beat Them ! Join Them !

in zappl •  6 years ago  (edited)

For centiries people have gazed at the beauty of this mysterious lady named " Mona Lisa " , but not anymore ! Welcome to the new world of emancipation for women under the doctrine of this religion of peace and tolerance !

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you should do a scream mouhammed, he could be screaming at a little girl

This foolishness will be short lived, along with a bunch of other propaganda designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while the creators go unpunished. Mark my words 😎

I pray you are right and this madness is just a insane passage in world history that will pass and fade like others ! Politically correct hivethink is a plagues and we ned a remedy ! For me the only remedy is to arrest the perpertrators that we many of us now see and hate ! Time for justice and the return of God in our lives after having being exposed to Evil itself in the guise of the "religion of peace !" thanks for your encouraging comment @codypanama )

My Dear Friend: I feel you are on the edge of a breakthrough and being upset at a religion that is over 1 Billion strong is not the answer. Our masters are very clever and plan these moves 50 or more years in advance. Radical Christians used to burn/drown women accused of being witches, but that was over come. Now they are Ministers themselves :-) Even in my lifetime women in Canada had no rights to vote or even go to a bar without a male escort! Single mothers were abused even by other women just a few short years ago! it was overcome without holy wars, but good common sence. In less than 50 years time they have moved into all male-dominated positions, even head of state! I need to do a blog about this. LOL
How much blood has been shed between Christians fighting with Prodestants who have very similar belief systems almost twins in fact.

Point being...We have overcome this dogma and propaganda and so will the Muslims male dominated ideas of life in general! Their women are trapped and want out!
People learn by example, and setting a good example is the best we can offer our fellow man/woman.
You may have noticed that over 95% of Muslim refugees are military age " men " and their passage into our country's has been paved by political heads of state and well-meaning idiot Liberals citizens.
In reality they are not immigrants, but rather an invading force of sorts. ( see my point? )
Trust me on this one....You can not punch common sence into someones face...They just get stupider and angrier every time you try and will double down on their old beliefs in the face of your attack.
Ok thats it... Blog time for me LOL now you got me started.
Stay Tuned...
Love Always Dear Brother 💕 War is not the answer, over come your fears and help others do the same. Putting on a Uniform is what our keepers want you to do 👮 Don't give in.