Now That fourfourfun has joined me on Zappl, the real fun begins...

in zappl •  7 years ago  (edited)

Who is next?

Follow four's microblog account at @fourfourzappl and me at @heymattzappl -- we're one weirdo musician away from having three of us, at which point the metastasis and growth of the weirdo music network on Zappl is secured.

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What is zappl?

Zappl is a microblog service like Twitter, except on the steem blockchain so all of the voting mechanisms are there too. It shares the same reward pool that Steemit and all the other Steem-powered sites do.

You can learn more at DMania is another good one.

I'm not on zapple, but I had to say Captain Beefheart is a genius! They say if you want to subtly break up with your significant other, you play "Trout Mask Replica". But I think if you want to strengthen the relationship, then you play "Trout Mask Replica", because if you can go through the album together, then you can go through anything together!

If my girl can't handle Trout Mask Replica, she can't handle me.

Truth! That sentence you just wrote should be on a T-shirt!


sangat mengerikan

Good job.

Currently BATTLING Zappl in order to post a YouTube vid. May just stick the URL in the post text and see how it works!

Ya the loading times could be better XD

This is probably the craziest album ever recorded. I remember the first time I heard it.. I was like.. what the f is this? And then the next thing I know, it was on repeat.