So my friends convinced me to create a dnd character

in zappl •  7 years ago 

I'm a time traveling samurai. The only problem is... I don't know if I'll have enough time to play. It's kind of ironic

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Im an elven cleric :)

It does take a lot of time, but it's oh so fun with the right group of folks, to sit down and dedicate an afternoon to.

That's cool, ya my friends do it weekly and love it, I've always played games with them, but not DnD, gonna try to get in there once in a while!

Welcome to steemit :)

Thank you! Keep an eye out for my 'introduce yourself post' coming as soon as I get over this cold I have :)

Drop by and let me know so I don't miss it!

DnD, really? Steemit eats up too much time for other things