in zappl •  6 years ago 

There is someone you need to meet before you die.
There are some people you meet in life who will positively influence and affect your life. There are some you'll meet who will negativity influence and affect your life. There are some you'll meet in the journey of life who will neither add not reduce any content from you. Every day of our lives as humans we meet different people ov different opinion of different tribe of different. Many may have eternal effect on you either good ones or the bad. There is someone you need to meet before you die. Since it has been given for every man to die once a day after, JUDGEMENT. You need to meet the Righteous judge here as the Lamb that was slain and your personal Lord and Savior so that you can escape the coming wrath of God. Seeing Jesus is different from meeting Him. Many see Him as their brother (The Jews), many see him as a mighty prophet but not the Son of God and their Savior. Many see him as an epitome of love who one needs to draw lessons if life from and not necessarily giving or surrendering one's life to him. Many see Him as the crucified Lord and the resurrected Christ who ascend to heaven and is now at he right hand of the Father interceding for us who is also coming back again to take the saints with him k heaven and judge every work of men be it good or bad. You need divine revelation and and divine encounter to see Jesus Christ as who he is.

Happy Sunday.

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