Serupa Tapi Tak Sama

in zappl •  7 years ago 

Ada dua orang insan yang saling mencari orang yang miri dengannya, walaupun taksama. Sudah sekian lama mencari, akhirnya ketemu juga. Mari kita perhatikan perbedaannya.

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How are you sir? Still remember with me that once you were educated at school. Healthy and successful teacher always

Yes. I remember. Where are you now. We can upvote each other. You can send me you link to my WA (08126958228) and your........!

Hello @saifulyusuf1967, upv0t3
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<3 This is a heart, or an ice cream, you choose.


9618 5741 6083 8911
1354 3976 3292 5250
7950 2346 8239 7744
8401 2623 5536 4280

Guru senior,segan kita...
Satu ciri khasnya berkumis,
Satu lagi berwibawa dengan jenggotnya.