Zappl Android App Development Teaser

in zappl •  8 years ago 

Here are some android app teasers

Here is what the app should look like when it is done

App Under Development

Splash Screen


Login Screen


Edit Profile Screen


Posting Zap Screen


Here is a few images but we will update with more soon!

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Great job guys!!! This looks fantastic. I cant wait to start zapping!!

Well thanks @rhino

Looks great! One question @zappl Will our Steemit accounts be connected to Zappl or will we have to register new accounts?

Since zappl runs on the steem blockchain which steemit does as well. The answer is yes any app that uses the steem blockchain you can use your account on.

Thanks. Will be looking forward to it.

So do we!

Wow, looks really good so far. Maybe you could make the lines inbetween those zaps blue. I'd find it easier to distinguish the zaps if they would be sepreated a bit clearer, but thats your design decision.
Keep the good work going and thank you for your efforts!

Uh these are just development colors they can be changed at anytime.

Sounds nice! Thank you for taking my consideration into account. I really appreciate your efforts.
I'd better shut up now, before I sound like a lil' fanboy. :D

I'd better shut up now, before I sound like a lil' fanboy. :D

To late! :)

Lol its okay you can fanboi as much as you like!

Okay...! I already love you and your work and want to marry your app, have 3 children with it and feed them with steem!
There you go, I just went full fanboy. :D

Yes, yes you did! lol, me too though. great work @zappl!


Holy sh*t! I cant wait. Looks AMAZING!

It shall be gloriousssss!

You GUNNA Zappl SO HARD Aren't YOU!! ??

Looks nice!

Well thank you @anemona

haha love it and I am watching this very closely!

Needs some Hans Zimmer music in the background like this:

strange I thought I posted this in @Chainbb

Love the previews.

Oh glad to hear @seablue

You GUNNA Zappppl SO HARD aren't you bro! ?

You know it!

Man what you are doing is so cool! Really nice, clean, friendly layout! It will help convert the stubborn people who cant be bothered to get into Steemit through a pc.

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Great great and great work guys!

Well thank you @simoneb

Looks very promising :)

That it does!

This is really freaking cool guys. shout out to the people coding and beta testing this

Much more to come for sure.

This is looking amazing! I will be following this more closely.

Glad to hear and thanks for the support!


Well thanks

Nice work! This looks really good :D
I'm curious how this will impact steemit!
What software did you use for showing the design in the teaser video?

I think it should be seen more as what impact will it have on the whole blockchain. Steemit is just of of the front ends of the blockchain.

All posts submitted to zappl will be shown on steemit as well..

Yes but it won't be the other way around.

That's great to hear!
Good luck!

Please consider joining our beyond bitcoin hangouts to provide updates like these as well! Im a diamond investor and want to get you guys more money!

That would be nice maybe if we have the time.

When will you have plan to release it? Looking its UI, I can not wait more :)

Um that will be in a post coming soon! And thanks we are paying close attention to detail.

looks great.. awesome stuff.


IMO, Own up to the Zap thing and just go with 'New Zap' over 'Submit new Zap' sounds more like we mean it lol.

other than than looks solid! Stoked to see this biatch launch!

We will thank about it!


B'coz zappl working on steemit blockchain.

When zappl finishes its development practice and launch in full finished missile.
Then may be.... may be...

the will value of Steem starts blown away again.

Right? Correct me if i am wrong.

If it brings in many more users and brings up user interaction then yes it could have an effect on the price.

@zappl That's awesome !!

Can we trade them for BTC on Zappl platform or do we need to go to Shapeshift, or exchanges like poloniex?

There is many methods of how we can get steem to usd in the steem community right now. Rest assured there is multiple solutions being worked on right now.

Very nice work. We are eagerly waiting for the Apps that you going to launch.

Oh well we hope people are x]

...And it looks pretty darn sexy! Thanks for sharing the results of such hard work and dedication to quality. Namaste :)

Thank you for the compliments.

You so deserve this! It is my pleasure. Namaste :)

First time hearing off this, it is interesting....

that it is.

Great developments mate! Hope to see more of your updates and hopefully your app on the market!

I can not wait to try this app on my smartphone. I just looked in google playstore did not find it.

Its currently under development.

oh, I will wait, thankyou @zappl

No problem!

Zappl App looks awesome...eagerly waiting for its launch!

Well thanks for the compliment!

Nice work zappl team! Looks awesome!

Well thanks @voronoi

Ooh nice to see the new development. Can't wait to try it out. Mean while, it a great to see how it evolve. Congratulation team. Upvoted.

Thank you for the support and your opinion @pnc

Cool! Looks nice!

Well thank you.

Looks promising. Great job!

Well thanks!

Looking forward to the launch! 😉😊😂

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

So are we, Look forward to many more updates!

And we are looking forward to you using it!


Yes for sure!

Are you also developing an iOS version as well?

Yes we are doing ios as well there just wasnt much to update yet on it.

Fantastic! Looking forward to test driving the app.

It shall be fun.

Thanks for these sneak peeks @zappl it is a great way to keep tabs on how the project is coming. Although one thing I'll point out is that in the video the app is shown on an iPhone but you mentioned it was an Android demo :p? The screenshots do look like Android tho... Also I'm not if this post will even be noticed with the pic that resides above it... x)

I know what the demo video shows the theme will more or less be the same for both ios and android.

This girl like your post bro;)

Oh cool

Oh boy oh boy oh boyyyy!

Oh yeah!!!

So much awesome happening to look forward to.

Oh yeah for sure.

Now just dont loose or smash your phone because your investment tanks

Not sure what that means.

It was a joke. What are me and mike Tyson the only ones who smash their phones ?

Idk if the smart phone overlords would be okay with that o.0

I am sure they love me. I buy a new phone multiple times a year. I cant remember the last one that actually lasted more then 8 months lol.

Oh i bet.

Waiting patiently.... looks good.

thanks @edges

R u kidding me .........It's looking like my source social network.chech out my BITHUB............i did not launch it still working on it.....

Not sure what your getting at..

Really dude ru kidding me..."not sure what your getting at????...what the heck is that???