RE: Can I use Zappl without obfuscating my blog posts?

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Can I use Zappl without obfuscating my blog posts?

in zappl •  7 years ago 

Are you going to copy everything Twitter does? I'm fairly certain nobody likes a character limit. If someone is making long posts and you don't like it, don't follow them.

Removing longer posts from the Zappl is just spiteful, sidechain your project if you want censorship to be a cornerstone of Zappl. I just can't believe an anti-intellectual stance of 'people don't read long' is the driving force to censorship on Zappl.

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Um there is no censorship going on, Our focus is short form content that isnt censorship. tell dlive, dmania, dtube to allow 1000 word posts on their sites as well if that's the case because they all content filter.

The whole point of smt's and multiple application is interaction with the blockchain in many ways. Long form content isnt the only way.

As for editing posts its not censoring if we don't want you editing posts on other sites. This is to prevent abuse and xss attacks.