Learning from Zazzle - Totally Unsure of Future

in zazzle •  last year 

Zazzle was a good start for me. I have designed enough designs to showcase in the account. Like everyday I make something and put up on the account. And that has made me design variety of the designs. And it can be cool to view some of them but that is just not enough.

A lot of time you can see that the future is not certain. something like that happened with me. imagine you choose to do some of the things and turns out that those things are not working out for you. I realized that it gets harder as the age moves ahead because you lose the competitive touch.


Another thing is that when you are building the future, you tend to go slow and things just don't work out. Each day you wake up with some delusion that you are going to be smart and active and happy and rich. And nothing happens. Same old story repeats and life goes on the motion where you get enough problems that you don't feel like living.

My learning so far has been that future is not that good if past is not good, present is not that good. future is just combination of the good past, good present. because 2 negatives can not create one positive. they just add up and create the 3 negatives. just feeling of value in positive but it's not.

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