No earning out of the Zazzle

in zazzle •  last year 

I created the shop in the zazzle. I created over 100 designs. and I also made use of the AI. And turns out that the content has been prett good with the same. And also the zazzle has been good for posting simplicity. and there seems to be sometraffic though not a lot there as well.


As you can see that the linkover results. You would find out that such results are bad. and that means there is going to be harder for the revenue to work around with. So in short some of the times that would be a good option for anyone working with the code and also the oevrall projects there.

That being said, the zazzle is good place but if you want to make one sale that would require a lotof things and also a lot of investment of time and the design. so in short that would be something we have to learn to make the most there income we have to think as well.

I have to work really hard and also depend on things like life and the work that is about to happen. so on that note we have to see that life would be moving ahead slower and steady. that in general is going to make the life lot easier as well.

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