UPDATE for the Zen Colouring Contest.

in zencolouringcontest •  6 years ago 

Hello Everyone,

Another update on my progress and situation here.

I received my computer on Tuesday and have been running into countless errors and broken components. I'm in the process of migrating and recovering the majority of my files (ZCC ones included) to a different hard drive.

It should take about a day or so as I have many terabytes of data to get through. Once the ZCC files are recovered I will start writing my critiques to all of your lovely entries again.

With any luck I should have it all sorted after the weekend and will be able to resume the contest on its original schedule of Tuesdays. I will keep to the new times of day for the posts as it's beneficial for calculating the winners and giving everyone enough time to enter and vote.

So hopefully on this Tuesday I'll have the gallery of entries ready to post at 15:00 (UTC) and the new stencil post at 18:00 (UTC) and the winners post on the Wednesday at 15:00 (UTC)

Thank you all for the patience and support that you have given me.

See you in a few days with the reboot of the #zencolouringcontest!

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Happy Thanks Giving @magicleatus. Happy to know that everything was fine at your end. Will wait for your next contest and Thank you for this fabulous contest.

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Thank you for the update :)

Awesome Possum!