Entry for zen Colouring Contest #3

in zencolouringcontest •  7 years ago  (edited)

hello everyone! this is my drawing (traditional drawing) for this week's contest. Hope you like it!
The color I would use for the next time is green..
Here are the rules for the contest if you wish to sign up too :)
'' https://steemit.com/zencolouringcontest/@magiccleatus/zen-colouring-contest-3-a-chance-to-win-sbd-by-colouring-a-weekly-pattern ''


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I love it! The monochrome of purple really makes an impact! Beautiful work!

Thanks for participating! :D

Yeeeeei ❤❤❤❤

How great all that only a painting can make us imagine.

thank you very much, very kind.

hello good friend drawing if you want you can go through my blog so you can see my drawings too I invite you .. you have a great talent ...

ZCacceptedentrySmall.pngENTRY ACCEPTED!!

Thank you for naming the colour you'd pick for next week's featured colour!

ZCawardTINYHonourableMentionbronze.pngHonourable Mention, Well done!!

Great Entry! Thank you for participating!