BREAKING NEWS: We have entered the last month of our triple valeur offer 3 in 1 (For a minimum investment of $1K receiving 2000ZEPASS+20000FARMEX+20DIET), you can check the countdown on the campaign Website:
Which also at the crossroad of SUREBANQA's MVP(Minimum Viable products) launching of V1 which is planned in a couple of days.
This is the best time than ever to buy/invest into SUREBANQA unprecedent offer, all our early investor are going to be rewarded with bonus FarmEX+DIET that they can convert to ZEPASS when our GUI/Android/iOS Wallet , Mainnet, SuperNodes (HyperZEN) goes live.
When we go in GPS(General Public Sale) participants will be rewarded with bonus FarmEX there will be no more triple value offering again, but can buy even with €20.
FarmEX will be at least 1.25% more in value than Private Pre-ICO stage.
ZEPASS will be 0.00006052 x 5 or more in value. Real price will be demand driven.
GPS(General Public Sale) will be strictly done on (Digital banking platform) It will run for as long as we want. With 100K or more Merchants/Stores, Agents/HumanTellers in Africa, Europe and Canada we can raise up to $1 Billion or more before launching in other developing countries (India, ASEAN, LATAM).