Zero-knowledge proof

in zero •  4 years ago 


"Zero-knowledge proof" in my opinion is a very meaningful discovery in cryptography. Simply put, zero-knowledge proof is a secret that the prover can convince the verifier that he knows without revealing any useful information.

For example: A is going to school in PKU, and he wants to prove to B that he is the case, but he does not want to show B his admission notice (for example, the picture of the notice is too ugly, emmmm), at this time A uses zero knowledge to prove it This can be achieved.

The zero-knowledge proof has the following three conditions:

Completeness: If both the prover and the verifier are honest and follow each step of the certification process to make correct calculations, then the proof must be successful and the verifier must be able to accept the prover.

Reliability: No one can fake the prover and make this proof succeed.

Zero knowledge: After the proof process is executed, the verifier only obtains the information "the prover possesses this knowledge", but does not obtain any information about the knowledge itself.

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