I'm always intrigued to see where my Higher Guidance leads me for the day. Lately I've been pondering Light. Specifically with respect to photosynthesis because I'm getting ready to start my garden in seed trays. Everyone learned about photosynthesis in grade school; but, my inquiring mind wants to know: "What is it exactly about the Light from the Sun that makes ALL LIFE POSSIBLE HERE ON EARTH? What qualities? properties?
So down the rabbit hole I go reading first about photosynthesis, then onto an article about The Energy of Light, which leads me to something called orgone which leads me to an article about the properties of orgone energy, and now some familiar words - zero point energy - and a new word, The Joe Cell - and this is the video posted here, that I watched and felt I had to share with you with explanations.
First off, I used to know a zillion guys who loved taking their cars apart. These were combustion engine, spark plug, gasoline/oil muscle cars which they then drag raced down in Navarre on the weekends.
Side note here, I keep thinking if someone would bring back an all mechanical car/truck, they'd have an instant hit, because this is where the creativity/fun is/happens. Bugger the computer chip, I say. Makes no sense to me in a performance vehicle.
Back to my initial inquiry. I forgot to say that THE VERY FIRST THING I did this morning was a meditation in Light Language (link below). A universal language, I am told. Still healing my body the 'old fashioned way'. Stay tuned on that topic.
So this is where my query really starts, because I KNOW that light language from somewhere, sounds familiar - sorta Navajo, sorta Hawaiian yet I can't translate it into words. It's, well -energetic, I suppose you'd say. My DNA is remembering something from some incarnation at some point in space/time and jumping up and down to let me know we know this...ok...
So here we go: Light Language, Energy of the Sun, photosynthesis, orgone, zero point energy, Mind/Field of God Energy, meditation, Joe Cell.
All this adds up to a different sort of physics NOT the NEUTONIAN PHYSICS but one we know almost nothing about - and really it seems that we don't need to know the particulars as you can see in the video, these guys were not degreed engineers or scientists, but they were - INTUITIVE, following Inner Guidance. So cool. There's that illusive zero point, field of God, Field of Consciousness thing again. The Energy Soup that in my world I refer to as Oneness. Everyone's NATURALLY hooked up to it all the time. Well now, if that's the case, how might we humans become walking/talking fuel cells?
That Joe Cell is not operating on water, but FREQUENCY. The 'steam' that is emitted is not steam, but the 'stuff' that is actually operating that car. There are no wires or tubes running steam into the car or any fuel into the car.
The cylinder with the water is 'charged'... So if we consider ourselves as the cylinder of water, and we 'charge' ourselves in some way (meditation?) then conceivably we are each a walking free energy fuel cell. Nes pas? Yes? My Gran used to make a joke that she could put her finger into a cup of coffee to sweeten it, because she was so sweet...and she was. But imagine putting your finger in the cuppa and heating it up, or the tub, jacuzzi, moving the auto down the road?
Just my thoughts this morning. Not sure where this goes from here; but then Oneness has a way of communicating that every moment, doesn't it? BTW, that final little 'insight' : humans as a Joe Cell...just now came to me as I was finishing up the post.
Here's a list of the links from my little consciousness journey this morning... if you're interested.
Joe Cell Video
Meditation/Light Language https://www.omna.org/light-language-translation-4-parts/
Light Propertities https://www.teachengineering.org/…/view/cub_energy2_lesson03
The Energy of Light https://www.teachengineering.org/less…/…/clem_waves_lesson03
Quantum Energy https://www.quantum-energy.org/en
Orgone https://www.natures-blessings.org/articleOrgone.htm
Stan Meyers Water Fuel Cell ( false direction to this inquiry as the Joe Cell doesn't burn hydrogen or water.) but cool anyway. https://en.wikipedia.org/…/Stanley_Meyer%27s_water_fuel_cell