What Is Zersetzung And Why You Should Care (Part 3)

in zersetzung •  6 years ago 


All of this cyberbullying and snooping that goes on, is being done to discredit you, and to not allow your information to go full swinging in your defense. People will start to believe you only when these things start to happen to them, or they too will start to connect things and see an ongoing criminal cover-up in place. Not only do they see it for what it is, but see the detrimental affects that it causes and will start to look at it then to discover the truth about it. But, most people will call you paranoid and tell you that you're off your rocker to think that these programs can be implemented or used on you. These programs being implemented in America, and on American citizens, are being done with no oversight because there is an agenda at play here, and it's to control information – to control the people – and to make sure that their corporations can feel secure and fail-proof in their criminal matters and going against the constitution and laws to do so. Their programs are sanctioned by the government, paid for by the government with your tax dollars which makes it completely illegal and against the constitution, but – that these people are in such high places of power, no one sees it for what it is, and no one wants to get involved including the police. People scurry when you bring it up, because – though they may think you're telling the truth, they don't want to be targeted themselves, so they just make sure to keep themselves at a safe distance from the people who hold such claims. But, the truth will set us free, and is why I'm so passionate about finding it. There is no way our lives would have gone this way, if it wasn't for the use of violent tactics that are being employed. There are a lot people living in a situation that's being manipulated over their lives, and it's being done by their very own government and their very own tax dollars are being used to extort them and to poison every aspect of their life.

Next, we will talk about the cover-up of these Spy Agencies, and what is being done about your rights, liberty and justice. First, they will deny you of any justice as the system seizes up when confronted about their criminal actions and use of these secret police powers. There you also find willful blindness by Cabinet Ministers and others, and the oversight of these crimes of the Agencies themselves is a complete sham to America, or to anywhere else they target victims. In the UK, France or wherever they may be.

Indeed without the cover-up and the constant cover-up of their criminal activities, there could be no Zersetzung programs or techniques used on the citizens of today because their crimes would be exposed on the news, or at least the many people that stake the claims that a real illegal activity just took place in their lives and it was done to them by the police, maybe we could have a dialogue created by now or have our stories heard on the news media, or somewhere that it can be viewed to be go viral enough to make our lives matter. But, the information is destroyed, and people organizing information regularly are targeted and even assassinated. Our lives simply don't matter to the government because we are all sick of our lives being poisoned in a fashion that is to exterminate us, our ideas and silence our voices. Personally, I don't care what these people are willing to do anymore, because they've poisoned my life and I basically go through life feeling as though I could've been somewhere else today, and that I'd be a totally different person. I wouldn't be stuck in this frame of mind, where I'm always stressed out from feeling that I have to protect myself somehow from a government that's gone insane and used real tactical measures to get at you. I don't see it as something that's okay to do to anyone. I see it, like it's been happening to me all my life. I see it for what it is, but the only thing I have is my voice and my words to share with people my experience with it, and why I think it's time people listen to me. The worst thing people can do is trust that nothing nefarious is going on here, when there clearly is.

There are things also stated by the spooks themselves and coming from these Spy Agencies themselves, is that we lack the spectacle of a political oversight, over the intelligence agencies themselves. We use real slides from the Spy Agencies themselves that are used to train employees into Zersetzung to show that there is zero oversight of these agencies, to continue to perpetrate real crimes over people, and to show how they use these programs to instill fear, intimidate, harass and poison ones life.

The media is complicit as well, because the only journalists that are allowed to perform on your daily news are ones that are willing to read from their teleprompters and not give the people a bias news media source. So, our news media is completely complicit in these crimes against humanity, and that there is no oversight of them. People are left to somehow fend for themselves while dealing with one of the many ways that they can torture you. Targets are many including; Christian based homes, dissidents, 9/11 truthers, journalists, Doctors and other medical professionals with moral groundings, and many others. What is under attack is the family unit, the moral family and those who still believe in traditional marriage, or believe in the King James Version Bible. Anything sanctioned by the government in these fashions is killing the sanctity within families and values that not only families could obtain, but communities, friends and businesses. They thrive by making sure their smaller idea's can sustain over all the others who would crush their little minds idea's. No offense to these people, but – Silicon Valley, and all that is tied in with the global structure of controlling information and stopping real people out here in the world from thriving is small minded. Their structure is weak because the only strength it has is keeping the truth from you. And, though they do a great job at censoring media and stopping people from living – enough of the information has traveled and are inside the minds and hearts of the people. We know what's going on. We know you've perverted the system as it was designed, and we know you're targeting people who you owe more money than you hold to, because you've literally taken away their lives. Unless you can give us our lives back, you can't do anything but kill us because we're waking up and the people who are waking up are pissed off. And, rightfully so. You've perverted the American way. You've perverted everything with sanctity in life, and you're targeting Gods people.

Well, let me tell you something. God is going to win this fight. Though people will continue to stay blind to the truth, and sell their souls to the devil – there are people who are going to continue to inflate the truth so that people can start to heal from the trauma they've experienced. In the end, all these crimes are going to come to light. Mind-control is easy if you think of the many ways that you can break a persons spirit, you can break a person, and the person won't even realize that they're being played like a fiddle. With YOUR information, on a regular basis... these psychos know more about you than YOU DO.

The government has no right to target citizens, break apart families and destroy lives – but, these days, this is closer to the truth for some people. Of course they have to get good ratings so, they will from time to time make sure certain people get liberated and get their lives back, but for the most part – it's far too gone anyways. You can't PAY ME OFF for crimes committed, because my reward is in HEAVEN if I have one at all. They can pay victims of MK Ultra millions or billions in settlements, and whatever that amount of money that is paid isn't enough because the damage that has happened to these people far outweighs the money that is paid to them through settlement checks. Though they might feel happier that they've been vindicated or “made whole.” These people are still not whole. They suffered irreversible damages, irreparable to their lives. They wanted to be musicians, or make movies, or had some passion that was obliterated by these techniques. Or they simply wanted to go outside and enjoy life but will see the sun and run back inside for fear of the light or something triggered them and they aren't normal. There are some people today, who are living out their lives just wishing they could go back to living their normal life, knowing far well that they are broken forever. Targeting a persons finacial status, and making sure that there are smear campaigns and blacklisting people from getting work, is beyond me. These are hard-working individuals, where these people are being set-up to straight up kill themselves, which in some cases, or a lot of cases – these people are killing themselves, and it's sad, because they aren't seeing the big picture. They are eroding, but it's not because of something they've done, and that's what it's made to look like. It's covert, and you don't see it – and people are literally being killed. It's overt, and people are aware of the crimes against them, and it's hard to want to live in such a world that isn't seeing the crime for what it is. The crime is that these people are paid to protect your rights and instead are perverting them and making sure that you don't have ANY. If you get out alive, and you make it to walk this THING OUT, it's because you had God on your side, because there's no way some people could live through some of the things that these victims have. God willing I will find the end to it, and I will be happy again, but chances are – that's far gone. I don't even care to be truly happy anymore, because that takes smiling, and I cannot smile in a world that is filled with such Satanism being implemented by the state that it takes on a whole new meaning of what it's like to be an American. We aren't FREE. We're being made into slaves and being set-up for failure in a way where the design is to make it seem like it was all on your own.

If you take a look at the world of electronic spying and cyber-bullying; and you look at the cover-up going on here, you will see that there is basic denial of our human rights, and denial of justice that is designed by the state, and it leaves you and your families unprotected. You cannot go to the police, because – should it not be to anyone's surprise, they will not take a report for crimes against you or your family members because they are complicit in the crime, and there won't be any investigations, or a single witness checked. They don't want to know the truth, and it's what is known as willful blindness. You can go as far as getting a hold of the people who are in charge of the secret policing agencies and they will deny your request for an honest investigation, because of the ongoing cover-up of crimes. There can never be an honest investigation into police misconduct and the misconduct of spooks dressed up in any costume that fits in their agenda, and just playing out there criminal matter because they are truly being protected in it. They will have excuses that contradict each other, or they simply won't tell you the truth about any investigations on-going or not, because that is what their masters have trained them to say. Much is the same in other countries where they are using Zersetzung techniques to mind-control people and place dissidents into a vacuum of oppression.

If you make a complaint about any type of cover-up going on which is caused by the systems themselves and the people within the systems, you'll get total denial of your complaint, and most likely you will become threatened, intimidated or stalked by these parties; in a fashion of poisoning your life, they will target your finances, wreck your home-life, and character assassinate you to discredit you. Their goals are wicked and their destruction hurts many area's of a persons life.

Though there are many reports of cases where the system is using full power and total control over its people and with zero oversight into the use of their tactical and strategic social engineering program Zersetzung. But, these systems are hurting people and stealing away property and liberty from peoples lives, I'm not even sure anyone knows the extent of their criminal activity, designed to socially engineer the whole planet and take over humanity. But, in the end, it's the anti-Christ that is the body of these puppets. Organized crime that is being sanctioned by the government is complete gutter trash. These elites have zero back-bone. This is no hate speech either, because they've hated me for quite some time. I guess they see me as a threat to their way of life. I'm the cancer in their New World Order that's given us a whole lot of disorder and less protection in place. But, it's cool. God sees who you are and quite frankly, so do I.

So as you can see, the formula used for Zersetzung is always the same: First they will character assassinate you through slander, threaten, intimidate and harass you or your family members, and then they will cover it up by ensuring that no investigation takes place, and will even make you the criminal at the time that you are being targeted, so that you are the one being investigated, instead of them. The use the system to suppress truth and to suppress freedom. They hate seeing you healthy. Then, they will say that you're crazy or delusional when you complain about the cover-up. Meanwhile you're dealing with one of many things, going homeless, being placed into a strategic depression and disease and discomfort of any kind. The CDC is also complicit in crime because they've released a biological warfare agent, that's been stolen from the labs which is highly contagious, but they don't talk about that either. Plus, the information on this is censored and secured right away because they don't want people in a panic while they are being placed into an open air prison system. They don't need people to even care to be around you, they'll make sure that you're dealing with something, or dealing with fighting for your health, rather then being able to fight them.

As my mother has stated, “I wish I had my health so that I could fight the same fight you are. I'm on your side and I'm questioning things too.” But, nevertheless, it's just the fact that I believe she is being targeted as well as she is having to fight for her health, hard-core. I don't think she understands how strong she really is with her health, and I'm proud of my mom for seeing right through the circumstances as they happened. Even though she was used, and her illness was used – she understands it, and is on my side... even when I was being set-up, I was being manipulated into a high-energy environment with a lot of radiation I thought. I did say how I was feeling, and although no one believed me, after the fact, my mom was on my side. I don't think people still understand the depth of this crime as I do though because I studied it to a point where I was made aware of all the things that would happen before they happened. I'm just glad I was prepared to say NO to medications, knowing full well that they could have swelled up my tongue to the point of killing me in my sleep. And, they started to. I took the first few doses and denied it saying that it's going to kill me. My tongue had swollen up and I was scared. I was so scared. Nothing could compare to the fear that I felt those days, where thinking that all these things were just created to make sure that I couldn't speak out, or that I couldn't start to organize a band or do anything like that. They've stolen so much life from me, I'm living in a fiction of who I am. My neurological system is being attacked as well, because I simply don't want to handle it all anymore. All the time that I've spent trying to heal my body from exposure to this silent war that's taken over my life, I deserve to be free from it. I deserve to get vindication for, because my life has been ruined by the system in place, and the powers that be are criminal. How do you fight that? You have no one to turn to? You have no one to talk to? You have no one who is experienced in the knowledge of their programs, and they seem insane, so people lightly tell you, I'm sorry, and I don't know what you're going through, and just walk away from being of any assistance?

Steven Knight writes in his book, The Brotherhood – The Explosive Expose of the Secret World of Freemasons, “by setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a persons life.”

These solicitors are very good at deception, causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork or other things to do getting in the way of you living out your life in a normal fashion, instructions causing you to have to go through the shoots and ladders to get back to square one. They will run up immense bills, and mislead targets into taking on decisions that are damaging to themselves. Freemason police can harass, intimidate, arrest or create false charges against a target, or even plant evidence if they need to. They have more power of control in that situation because they are sanctioned to do so. Their hearts must feel cast in a thick demonic like film, because they know what they're doing is wrong and do it anyways. It's all about the money and money controls people into living like this where screwing up peoples lives completely is a daily task for these people. Today, I'm asking God to cast out these Demons because these people deserve to feel what a normal heart should feel like, and I'm sure some of which will go full on and blow their own heads off. If they themselves could just feel human again minus the demons causing them to do these things, they would see themselves for the gutter trash they are. Look, I forgive you. I know money is everything and that the normal person inside of many wouldn’t have taken part in this criminal operation, but money is money, and what they are doing with it is criminal. I had to move on with my own life. But, if you continue to be inside of a demonic way and keep hurting families, I'm not going to be okay with it, and nor will many other Americans if they woke up to see the pain that you cause. You will not succeed in war. You will lose even if you kill us. God has this thing preserved in a place called HEAVEN. I believe if I can’t get justice here in any fashion, that I’m fine with living this little to nothing life, and just waiting for what comes after, because – the way that I see it, is that my life and many others are ruined. Just simply sabotaged, because no one should have to think about things as deeply as I am today, and to be as concerned about the welfare of the many people that they are doing this to, not to mention the people who have already been killed or the people who have finished their work. It’s completely callous to think that anyone should ever have to face tactical and strategic removal of certain people, simply because the system sees them as unfit.

Business men or woman in small communities for an example can be placed into a fictional character, that these people build a straw-man on you, and they will plant evidence of any kind including drugs or child pornography, and make it to where you will never work again. People have committed suicide after experiences of that kind. I don't think the official narrative was true at all, but they use the straw-man they've built to run over your rights further, and to make sure that you aren't going to get a life you deserve. Even though it's their own nature to secure their pedophilia rings, they will plant evidence on innocent people, and use innocent people to make it look real. Not only does this help them, but they get to really ruin someones life at the same time as gain the nations trust by showing them – see, we're finding the bad guys still... and we're going to get them all too. But, what a joke! They’ll just keep creating more trust from the society in the form of getting the bad guys in jail, securing their own freight train of terror, while continuing to employ tactics on people who really mean well.

I’m sure it’s very hard to talk to someone that you don’t believe is telling you anything more than paranoid delusions, but – if that’s as far as I’m going to get, I might as well shut up now. Everything I do is done to expose the crimes for what they are because my life feels violated in many aspects of the use of these programs and I don’t think it’s fair or right when I don’t get to live my life anymore. Once you take away someones finances and get them homeless and strategic efforts are made to ensure that you’re on your way into the system – forced – covert – overt attacks, you’re through with trusting the system because the system is a fraud to you, it needs to give you back your life. And, it can’t. So, there you have it.

The techniques used by Zersetzung are not mere fantasy attacks against a person or persons, but are very real. Shots fired at someone, is very real violence. Coming from a police officer, is also very real. With zero reason for it, is also very real. The intimidation for trying to expose the cover-up of crimes is very real. The manipulation of diseases or other chemical induced sicknesses are very real. They don't need you to know about the extent of their crimes because at large – a lot of people would lose their jobs if the people of today knew the kinds of crimes that the secret policing powers hold against an innocent people. Recorded death threats are very real. Smashing cars through someones porch is also very real. There are a lot of thing being done that have been witnessed where there is no investigations into the crimes committed against the targets because it's all made to look like an accident. But, they know full well what they are doing, and it's perverting the system in a way to give ZERO justice to the citizenry of the country where these tactics are employed.

There are some that see Zersetzung as organizing a psychological attack. But, that is only a small part of it, in it's early stages. In fact, most attacks of Zersetzung are not psychological attacks at all.

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