Zionism is just another Filthy Death Cult

in zion •  11 months ago  (edited)

Judaism is a sort of quaint religion that is made up of stories. Actually, that is true of most religions.


Essentially the function of religion in any society is to delay gratification. What TYPE of gratification it is meant to delay - depends very much on how that religion is interpreted.
In the case of the Zionists - it generally applies to how long they have to wait before they get to kill you.

Thou Shalt Not - commit murder - until I tell you to. Then, commit thy genocide.

(Remember this the next time you talk to someone who looks at Palestine like some kind of phallus they need inside of themselves.)

Religions - in general - have been useful to those lucky enough to be born into power. Or, at least clever enough to attain it. And that's why most nation-states entertain it (so long as it stays within their bounds.)

The funny thing about this so-called entity of Israel (no connection whatsoever with the actual nation) is that it uses religion as its justification for existence.

America had (more or less) Christian values - but at its core was a belief system which questioned the divine right of kings (to do whatever the fuck they wanted because - well, God could too.)
Doing whatever the fuck you want - especially in the case of human beings - is never a good idea. Kings tend to lose their heads that way.
This is a lesson clearly lost of the lunatics now occupying the Knesset - but they will learn soon enough.

Bibi is not a God.

Killing people on a biblical scale - is never a good idea. Neither is it a great idea for the US or Britain. But lessons take time to learn. And this generation thinks that the SCALE of their madness will protect them from the same consequences that faced the Nazis.
It won't.

Unfortunately for them, they think that retards like the former President Bush (dubya) still walking around a free man - after killing 3,000 Americans in a False Flag operation on September 11th 2001 - which allowed greater wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya - is proof that there are ZERO consequences for mass murdering lunatics.
There is a pretty good reason why Israel's October 7th even was actually first called, "Israel's 9-11"
Just like any good False Flag - it was meant to garner sympathy for the psychopathic folks in the lunatic asylum called, Israel.
Only, it didn't work.
People who has watched over two decades of slaughter - resulting from the American Century Plan - could tell straight away what the overall game plan was - maybe as soon as October 8th. The "Decapitated Babies" story mirrored the "Babies thrown out of Incubators" too closely.
But also, this time around - folks were not getting ALL their information about the situation from the controlled Mass Fiction Media. Remember that old CNN channel that appeard out of nowhere during the Iraq War?
Yeah, well... now we have TikTok (or at least HAD it.)

Israel lost control of the narative right from the get-go and it only got worse as time went by. There was no ideological cover for their planned land grab.
To be fair - Bibi tried. He even roped in the well neaning but retarded billionaire Elon into the game. It still didn't work.
People know Elon is a retard - so they forgave him. Bibi just looked more like a covert psychopath - more than ever.
It's one thing to TRY and kill a lot of people to fit a Biblical story-line and quite another to actually do it.
The resident lunatics - who were driven out of Europe - soon set about showing a whole new generation of people WHY they were driven out in the first place. Imagine living next to Zionist who thinks that you are his neighbhour just because he ALLOWS you to stay next to him.
That's basically what the Palestinians had had to endure for very nearly a century now.
But the Nakba was a long time ago - and most people had forgotten the pure evil these folks were happy to exercise - in order to get their beach-front property.

The Israeli Army shamelessly looted, raped and murdered as they plundered. And posted their crimes as they did so - thinking that folks outside of their asylum - would appreciate their candor.

It's ironic that only the mad - don't know how mad they really are.
Fortunately, there's still a significant portion of uncircumsized folk that saw things for what they really were.
The US desperately needed another War - after their attempt at WW3 failed in Ukraine.
Don't kid yourself - Zionism exist - but it certainly WASN'T the main reason for the slaughterhouse that has now moved into Rafah.
Every last move that Netanyahu made - was done to create a larger scale war into the region - ALLOWING US forces an excuse to build a base (oh let's call it a "PORT" for now) on land that by all standards belong to the Palestinians.
Israel is - and always will be - the Bad Cop for the US.
Notice that even after killing MILLIONS in the Middle East - not one country has successfuly brought genocide charges against the US?
Genocide is hard to pull off.
Unless you have a lunatic relative that has been in the business of killing off whole nations of people for millennia...
That's why they've always kept Israel alive.
Sometimes you need a mad dog - even one that might bite you - when unleashed.
Zionism is basically Religious Rabbies.
No wonder that they call their religious teachers...

Well - I don't want to implicate all Jews.
That would be unfair. Not Anti-Semetic, just unfair. A large portion of non-Israeli Jews are not Zionists.
And they don't deserve to be put in the Asylum called Israel.

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