Traitor Trump... The Zionist Jew who pretends to be a Christian American.

in zionist •  6 years ago 

It's surprising to me that America still doesnt see that we have high treason going on in our government. Men like Joseph McCarthy, and James Traficant warned the American people, and tried to stop the Zionist Jews from continuing their holocaust against non-jews around the world.

Trump's real name is Drumpf... His grandfather's mother.. is Katharina Kober an Ashkenazi Jew. This is why Trump was born into a world of the Jewish mafia. A real estate broker, but yet here he is doing cameos in Jewish Hollywood films.. even got his own show.. Now as anyone in hollywood will tell you... You have to suck a lot of Jewish d**k literally... just to get a part in a decent tv show or movie. Finally now actors are speaking out about this.

Did anyone else notice the secret box that supposedly contained his mother's bible when he was sworn in? Something tells me that was no bible in there... and if anything the Torah.. but most likely it was the Talmud. He then had a rabbi give a demonic "blessing" in front of the whole world a blessing containing "land of Zion".

Trump IS NO JFK. So dont believe the BS about playing 3D chess. I may not have many talents in life, but my main talent that God has blessed me with is the ability to see right though frauds... and I can saw right through Trump the moment he announced his campaign for POTUS.

I immediately called my family and said "Trump is going to be our next president". They of course laughed, but I knew Kober-Drumpf was Mr. Hollywood.. the pedophile just like the rest of the Jews running America. I knew he was their golden boy.

The whole hillary thing is just a psyop.. they made her run for POTUS to scare America to voting for the jewish imbecile Trump.. Just look at all the people who were running... The Jews running our government (like those in AIPAC) carefully handselected each of those Zionists... They knew America wouldnt vote for another Black president.. or one of another minority.. so that cancels out our Latinos.. They then knew we wouldnt vote for lady.. or another Bush.. and def no Jews.. so there goes everyone else.. who does that leave? The imbecile with a 10 yr old mentality... who doesnt know the first thing about running a business, let alone an entire country! I have corrected the fool on twitter twice about politics... he showed us he really doesnt know much about politics or the government. What he does know is how to do back-room deals.

Fact is.. Putin, Trump, Obama (only one who had backbone and gave Israel the final Fuck you when leaving office), Bush, Clintons, LBJ, FDR, Truman(part black part jew), Wilson, and many others were all chosen to be Presidents by the Jews. These Presidents especially Wilson gave America to the enemy and betrayed us all.. We all have been born into a communist system of enslavement.

So Trump is not our hero, nor Putin... or anyone else the jewish media hypes by making funny memes showing presidents with their shirts off being a "bad ass".

Trump sold us out, armed the enemy, and is now preparing for war with 2 innocent, non-zionist controlled countries.. Syria and Iran. They dont have Jewish Central Banks in those countries and well the Jews dont like people not enslaved.

I know I jumped a bit off-topic on this blog, but its very difficult to stay on topic when their spider web is vast.. it branches out to everything. You cant talk about one thing without talking about the other. They infiltrated our government, our media, created Hollywood, control the entire Entertainment(Distraction) Industry, Wallstreet, and our Medical Industry(jews made oxycontin the epidemic that is now killing 100s of Americans EVERY WEEK.

Maybe for my next blog I'll talk about their fraudulent NASA... which is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to steal money from the Presidents Budget... our tax dollars. Or I'll talk about Chemtrails.. theyre both connected.

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so that cancels out our Latinos

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