
in zzan •  4 years ago 


This is my photographic work, I took this photo in the afternoon and I happened to be taking an evening walk in front of my house with a camera. in front of my house there is an empty land and a lot of weeds are growing and found a large bee perching on a flower then I immediately took a photo

Camera Nikon D3200, Diaphragm f / 6.3, Exposure time 1/4000. ISO-2500, Focal length 195mm, Apperature 4.5

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Ok done...jgn lupa vote balek ya bg mol.hehehehe

done bang ghani :)

Makasih yo bg mol...kita tetap mining SBD. Begitu naik kita cairkan...hahahahaha

Kl foto2 macro, ikutan aja kontest2 di steemit

Iya juga ya

iya bang kepinginnya gitu, cuma keseringan ketinggalan info