So as my youngest son and I are scrolling through super hero series on the internet after playing a few rounds of Mortal Kombat 11, I think. Geeze getting old is rough. There's characters you can purchase on the game, on of which being Spawn. So now the question I get asked is... Where is Spawn?

He begins to go through all available streaming services. Going through Hulu, Prime Video, Netflix, YouTube and finding nothing recent of Spawn and talk about a let down. He wanted to know.... So here it puts me trying to assemble some bit of knowledge that the internet will fry me for to fill in what has happened to Spawn in the age of all the super hero movies.
So this was the last Live Action Movie I had found while scavenging. The movie stars Michael Jai White as the protagonist and anti-hero Spawn. When this movie was released in 1997, it was to me a big deal. It was soon followed by the release of Blade in 1998, starring Wesley Snipes. Spawn was a dark concept even on film. The movie definitely had that 90's hero, and modern Batman vibes (sorry if I offended you comic perfectionists). Mr. White definitely did what he does best and looks great doing it. Definitely like the Chuck Norris of my era. So he didn't want to watch that because it was "Too Old Dad"....back to scrolling.

The next we stumbled upon was Todd McFarland's Spawn. It was original broadcast on HBO, in 1997 through 1999. The nostalgic side of me liked watching some of it but it was definitely a product of its time. My son was easily unimpressed. He still wanted to know when Spawn was coming back to the big screen.
The final thing I have stumbled upon in the search for Spawn is that at and IGN Conference, McFarland's reboot of Spawn is in the works as of October of 2022. Maybe there's some rough movie poster or ad's out there. I'm not sure and I can't really find much, just the same articles with the same sources on repeat. He also had announced a Batman/Spawn crossover... that's doubling down on some darkness. We'll see how all this plays out in the next few years.