34C3 Day2 / 34C3 2日目、頭のデトックス

in 34c3 •  7 years ago 


There are not only talks about hacking stuff but also "Ethics, Society & Politics" talks at 34C3, an annual congress of 15000 hackers. Today I listened to "The seizure of the Iuventa" and "The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong" in this category. Unfortunately "Financial surveillance" was full and I couldn't get in.

Listening to talks, I had to think that there are a lot of nice people living their own different lives and a small computer has a power to really change the world. In the end of both talks I had tears on my eyes. I'm thankful that the speakers and organizers bring these talks to 34C3.

I got energy from talks, 34C3 atmosphere and participants doing their own things without caring how others see them. I started thinking "Ja I can live the way I believe". 34C3 works like a kind of detox for my brain.

In between serious talks, I had good laughter during a talk titled "Internet of Fails", which warns about what will happen/happened with IoT by making fan of it.

Tomorrow there is a talk by the founder of Zcash, Zooko. The title is "cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc.: revolutionary tech?" followed by "short answer: Yes!" :) I look forward to listening to the talk.

34C3ではハッキングの講演はもちろん、社会・政治的な活動に関する講演もあってとても結構考えさせられることが多いです。今日はこのカテゴリーでは地中海で難民の救助にあたる人たちの講演"The seizure of the Iuventa"、エドワード・スノーデンの香港脱出を助けた7人の難民に関する講演"The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong"を聞きました。金融の監視に関する講演"Financial surveillance"も聞きたかったのですが会場が満員御礼で入れず。残念。



・・・とまじめな講演に涙しつつも、IoTをちゃかして危ないよというオーストリアのジャーナリストの講演 "Internet of Fails" に大爆笑もしました。講演者たち笑わせるのうまい。。。

さてさて明日はZcashのファウンダーZookoのトークがあります。タイトルは"cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc.: revolutionary tech?" で、そのあと副題のようにして "short answer: Yes!" が続いています。楽しみです。

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Thanks for writing these posts on 34c3. I never knew about it until I read your posts. Have you heard of DEF CON in the US? I've always wanted to attend DEF CON but never had the chance.

DEF CON of course! I think you enjoy Chaos Communication Conference too as there are a lot of hackers, makers, activists and definitely crypto miners too :D

no borders no nation -> no firewall?!


このイベント初めて知りました!( ・∀・)おもしろそう!ググります!

Wikileaksについて調べていた時に知ってずっと行きたかったのですがようやく念願かなって!すごくよいイベントです :)