BlogHide Resteemsabc521 (49)in blockchain • 8 years agoPAYPIE基于区块链技术的会计平台风险指数分析是金融部门大多数主要行业的核心,如融资,合规,审计,信用保险和审查。这个数万亿美元的市场是巨大的,几乎所有的中小企业都需要在指定的时间通过风险分数检查。尽管如此巨大,企业的风险评分差异和不一致,对第三方审查也带来了挑战。 欺诈和数据处理是该概论的主要缺点。进入PayPie。…abc521 (49)in blockchain • 8 years agoCOSS - 加密货币交易所COSS代表加密一站式解决方案,代表了一个平台,旨在涵盖基于密码学的数字经济系统的所有功能。COSS已于2017年4月1日在Beta版中推出,支付网关/ POS用于线上和线下商店,允许商家接受各种加密货币的服务付款,以及全面运作的加密交换。到目前为止,这些是COSS的两个最重要的功能,目前正在整合许多第三方提供商,他们将通过COSS提供服务。…abc521 (49)in blockchain • 8 years agoLUST - 分布式性市场与托管,这是否被大众接受?LUST ,是分布式的性市场,目的是使全世界的所有人找到其完美的匿名性伴侣。 lust想建立一个免费的社区,成员可以体验人类天生的快乐而不用担心被宗教或政府机构或第三方责任人审查。 绝对匿名和用户满意度是lust的主要信仰,该平台的目标是让人们在没有不良影响的情况下参与sex行业。 因为每个人都需要性,lust创造了这个重要工具,为世界上任何人提供不可阻挡的合理服务。…abc521 (49)in news • 8 years agoCANONS | BITCOIN GENERATING TOKEN ON NXT BLOCKCHAIN & MANAGEMENT PLATFORM|CANONS platforms presents to you a large array of investments into the cryptocoin world, giving you the opportunity to earn some highly profitable cryptocoin like bitcoin, dash, monero, ethereum…abc521 (49)in cryptocurrency • 8 years agoMetaGold - ERC20 standard token based on Ethereum blockchain> > MetaGold [MEG] - ERC20 standard token based on Ethereum blockchain, which serves as a means of payment in the game worlds of War of the Magi and Project X The MetaGold (MEG) token, is an…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago军训是一种什么体验?What kind of military experience?美国从卫星拍摄的照片中发现 每年中国8月底 会有300万名左右的"神秘部队" 出现在各大高校 9月中旬陆续神秘消失! United States found photographs taken from satellites China every year in late August There will be 3 million or so "mysterious…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago这就是10年后你要住的房子,你信吗?This is 10 years later, you have to live in the house, you believe it?这就是10年后你住的家! This is 10 years after the home where you live! 阳台篇 ▼ 将落地窗转变为露天阳台 Balcony articles ▼ The French windows into the open-air terrace 让你拥有更大的空间 你更大的视野和非凡的体验 So you have more…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years agoxin站功能上线预告最近,疯传的央视新闻里防电信诈骗的“六个一律”,意味着诚信缺失,信任危机凸现。 网站也同样的道理,如何通过官网彰显诚信,赢取更多商机?xin站功能上线将可以很好的解决这一问题,已进入上线倒计时。…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago早上起来,第一口吃什么才最健康?Morning, the first of what stuttering is most healthy?早餐前应先喝水 人经过一夜睡眠,消耗了大量的水分和营养,起床后处于一种生理性缺水状态。如果只进食常规早餐,远远不能补充生理性缺水。 因此,早上起来不要急于吃早餐,而应立即饮500~800毫升凉开水,既可补充一夜流失后的水分,还可以清理肠道,但不要在吃早餐前喝较多的水。 Breakfast preceded drink Who after a night of sleep, they…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago网友都是怎么评论中国乒乓球的?/User comments are how Chinese table tennis?中国乒乓球国家队的对手从来只有一个,那就是国际乒联。从高抛发球,到红黑胶面,再到改变球的大小和21分制改到11分制。都是为了削弱中国这个bug!然并卵,中国还是强到发指······最后,连中国自己都看不下去了,搞了个养狼计划······就是培养外国选手打自己······果然无敌就是寂寞啊······ 乒乓球裁判:妈的这下怎么黑?在线等挺急的。…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago奥运首日 12枚金牌花落谁家/The first day of the Olympic Games 12 gold medals getsAugust 5, at the Rio Olympic men's archery individual qualifying, South Korea's Kim in town, especially 72 arrows 700 ring broke the world record. Local time on August 6, 2016 Rio Olympic Games…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago法国女人用这10件事 优雅了一辈子/France elegant woman with a lifetime of these 10 thingsAbout Beautiful 关于美丽 French art of living is clearly more quality, more elegant, more refined, twenty years old French woman living youth, three-year-old living charm, wisdom live forty, fifty…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago给女友提前送了七夕礼物,然后我就被甩了....../Tanabata send his girlfriend a gift in advance, and then I dumped ......We went to the annual Tanabata Festival gifts Girlfriend Tanabata gift you bought it 又到了一年一度的七夕送礼节 女友的七夕礼物,你买好了吗 Gosh, you do not really think that his girlfriend does not want Tanabata…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago奥运会发了45万个避孕套,竟然是这样用掉的....../Games made 450,000 condoms, turned out to be expended ......Another day zero hours The day after tomorrow (August 6) 7 am Rio Olympics be open in Cougerenao with everyone, look First, this is a little Olympic logo dream 再过一天零几个小时 后天(8月6日)早上7点…abc521 (49)in cn • 9 years ago[Crocodiles rule]Psychological thinking and retail dealerMany leeks have a common feeling, why would I buy a fall, and selling on the rise. What is it retail psychological, or antelope thinking is what like? Low price can not buy, and thought, wow, down…abc521 (49)in breaking • 9 years agoVideo: Kaiserslautern vs Cong Zhang Yang (w) -1v1 8 into 4-R16 China Divisionabc521 (49)in blog • 9 years agoA technology company respected qualityThe following is a list of some of my acquaintances industries, after working in a number of large technology companies, to collect aggregate out some of the features together. Our varied and…abc521 (49)in bitcoin • 9 years agoBitcoin will be "Masonic" persecute it?Some netizens pointed out that some "expose Zhao Wei," the post, even cleared a total group of seedlings posts deleted for no reason, users suspected Vicki mysterious force behind the amazing, Ma…abc521 (49)in bitcoin • 9 years agoAdhere credits selfishness"Let us talk about you fry credits how much money?", "Do not pull me anything else, I would resign earn renminbi?" Credits 99.99% Cock wire loop is a "money eyes" face, these people grew accepted…