BlogHide Resteemsabirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoCranium of a four-million-year-old hominin shows similarities to that of modern humansThe 'virtual' revisiting of a fossil described as 'the oldest evidence of human evolution in South Africa' shows surprising results. A cranium of a four-million-year-old fossil, that, in 1995 was…abirhasan63 (44)in science-news • 7 years agoFor 100 million years, amber freezes a tableau of tick's worst day everOne day in Myanmar during the Cretaceous period, a tick managed to ensnare itself in a spider web. Realizing its predicament, the tick struggled to get free. But the spider that built the web was…abirhasan63 (44)in tech • 7 years agoAI senses people's pose through wallsX-ray vision has long seemed like a far-fetched sci-fi fantasy, but over the last decade a team led by Professor Dina Katabi from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory…resteemedacidyo (80)in dlive • 7 years ago[Acid Streams] Realm Royal with @strawhatInstalled Realm Royal today, not a big fan of Battle Royal in general but I enjoyed the game Paladins so gonna give this one a try! My live stream is at DLiveresteemedilovemylife (78)in bookreview • 7 years ago징비록Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 임진왜란때 재상을 지낸 서애 유성룡선생이 전쟁이 끝나고 남아있는 사람들과 후세에게 경계를 주고, 교훈으로 삼기 위해 집필한 책입니다. 징비록 원본은 국보 132호로 지정되어 관리되고 있습니다. 징비는 잘못을 경계하여 나무라고 훗날 환난이 없도록 삼가고 조심한다는 시경 구절에서 따온…abirhasan63 (44)in news • 7 years agoDiamond dust shimmering around distant starsNanoscale gemstones source of mysterious cosmic microwave light. For decades, astronomers have puzzled over the exact source of a peculiar type of faint microwave light emanating from a number of…resteemedsmartsteem (71)in steem • 7 years agoLimited Offer: Guaranteed Positive ROI with @smartsteem + ROI Calculation ExplanationHello everyone, We've noticed that the current market-situation has had a negative influence on many of our customers and even on us, as well. Seeing prices fall is, most of the time, not a…resteemedilovemylife (78)in bookreview • 7 years ago1894년, 경복궁을 점령하라Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 청일전쟁이 한반도에서 발생한 해가 1894년입니다. 일제는 조선정부의 요청으로 동학군을 토벌하기 위해 조선으로 출병했다고 주장합니다. 이러한 주장은 여러 역사책에 인용되어 마치 진실인양 떠돌고 있습니다. 그러나 일제는 한반도에서 청나라의 영향력을 제거하기 위해 여러가지 방편을 강구합니다.…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years ago'Monstrous' new Russian saber-tooth fossils clarify early evolution of mammal lineageFossils representing two new species of saber-toothed prehistoric predators have been described by researchers from the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (Raleigh, USA) and the Vyatka…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoRemarkable skill of ancient Peru's cranial surgeonsEven with a highly skilled neurosurgeon, the most effective anesthesia, and all the other advances of modern medicine, most of us would cringe at the thought of undergoing cranial surgery today.…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoNovel RNA-modifying tool corrects genetic diseasesAs scientists gain insights into which genes drive diseases, they are pursuing the next logical question: Can gene editing technologies be developed to treat or even cure those diseases? Much of…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoMars rocks may harbor signs of life from 4 billion years agoIron-rich rocks near ancient lake sites on Mars could hold vital clues that show life once existed there, research suggests. These rocks -- which formed in lake beds -- are the best place to seek…resteemedilovemylife (78)in bookreview • 7 years ago중국 동북지역과 한민족Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 한미정상회담이 나름 성공적이었다는 평가를 받고, 북한이 남측 취재진의 방북을 받아들였습니다. 북한은 자신들이 듣고 싶은 이야기를 한미정상으로부터 들었다고 판단한 것 같습니다. 앞으로 우리 정부의 노력이 많이 요구되고, 국민적인 지지가 절실해 보입니다. 한반도의 평화 분위기가 정착되면 될수록…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoFirst interstellar immigrant discovered in the solar systemA new study has discovered the first known permanent immigrant to our Solar System. The asteroid, currently nestling in Jupiter's orbit, is the first known asteroid to have been captured from…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoMajor fossil study sheds new light on emergence of early animal life 540 million years agoMost comprehensive analysis of Earth's largest animal group -- the euarthropods -- shows they evolved gradually, challenging major theories of early animal evolution. All the major groups of…resteemedilovemylife (78)in esteem • 7 years ago고팍스(@gopaxkr)를 만났습니다. 고팍스의 성공은 스팀잇 발전오늘 모처럼 촌놈이 서울 나들이를 했습니다. 프로젝트관련 미팅이 있어서 남부터미널역으로 갔습니다. 남부터미널역 5번 출구를 나오다보니 낯익은 광고판이 보입니다. 무심코 지나가려다 자세히 보니 스팀잇 광고판이네요. 사진을 찍어야겠다 하고 스마트폰을 꺼내니 움직이는 광고판이라 넘어가버립니다. 한참을 기다리니 다시 나오네요. 거의 몇초밖에…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoAstronomers release most complete ultraviolet-light survey of nearby galaxiesCapitalizing on the unparalleled sharpness and spectral range of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers is releasing the most comprehensive, high-resolution…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoMajor shifts in global freshwaterFirst-of-its-kind study combines NASA satellite observations of Earth with data on human activities to map where--and why--freshwater is changing around the globe. A new global, satellite-based…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoWater plumes on Jupiter's moon Europa?Old data reveal new evidence. Scientists re-examining data from an old mission bring new insights to the tantalizing question of whether Jupiter's moon Europa has the ingredients to support life.…abirhasan63 (44)in sciencenews • 7 years agoFish in schools can take it easySchools of fish provide a fascinating example of collective behaviour in which the group moves in a coordinated manner without the need for a leader. In the past, many computer models have shown…