BlogHide Resteemscairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/17 诗和远方……的美食有家的地方没有工作 有工作的地方没有家 他乡容不了灵魂 故乡安置不了肉身 从此 便有了漂泊 有了乡愁 有了牵挂 转眼间 十一月又过了一大半 2018年也越来越接近尾声 最近微博也常有段子调侃着 “你存好过年的钱了吗?” 这刺眼并扎心的字眼啊 似乎工作以来也不是真的一无所获 活在了当下,养了一身膘 荷包空空也不及美食重要 生活不止苟且…resteemedhtliao (76)in cn-curation • 6 years ago「飛鴿傳書 cn-curation #087」推薦cn區博文:八十四岁的外公 + 喝早茶Source 「飛鴿傳書」由我 @htliao 發起,新手村 @team-cn 策劃的一個「好文好博客推薦活動」。 在 Steemit 的模式下,有心的新手的博客容易被忽略,連帶著博文亦會被低估價值 (平均每帖少於 $0.4點贊) ,我們希望透過這個活動,鼓勵好作者繼續創作好文章。 編輯小組於星期一至五,每天會推薦最少兩篇價值被低估的博客作品, 我 @htliao,…resteemedteam-cn (66)in steempress • 6 years ago【新手村计划 – 发起人访谈】@ericet 授人以鱼不如授人以渔经常都是我去访谈别人,这还是第一次我自己被自己访谈。 每次访谈,我都会和访谈对象说,不着急回答我的问题,尽量具体点,写点废话也好。真到我写废话的时候,发现废话也难写! 好了,废话不多说,开始自我的访谈。 问:@ericet 您居住在哪里? 和软哥@softmetal…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/10 可爱的小侄子| My Lovely Nephew小孩子是天真的, 他们会毫不顾虑的做着自己喜欢做的事情, 甚至他们是喜欢分享的, 与你分享那些他们认为快乐的事情或东西。 我的小侄子,琰琰。 如他名字那般, 是个热情似火的孩子, 初次到他家做客, 他便把我当成他的小伙伴, 不停“话痨”着跟我分享他的所见所闻。 他十分调皮捣蛋, 偏要拉着我到附近的小公园, 看他攀爬栏杆, 我几次都害怕他掉下来,…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/06 八十四岁的外公| Eighty-four year old grandfather昨天下午大姨丈很高兴地在家人群里 分享了一件令大家都十分感动的事情 八十四岁的外公自己骑着自行车 骑行了长达六公里左右的路程 去看望大姨丈的老母亲 大家都纷纷感慨于 年迈的外公开始串门了 外公像是只有四十八岁 而并不是真的八十四岁那样 有着比小伙子还健壮的体魄呢 Yesterday afternoon, Uncle was so happy to share a…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/05 拍毕业照啦| Wish U a Bright FutureIt's time to take the graduation photo. But the protagonist is no longer myself. This time last year, it was cold. This year, I watched the graduation photo of my schoolmates. It's beginning to…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/03 心情分享| Sharing Daily MoodRecently, whether it's work or life, it is a little smothering. When I am busy, I will meet my friends and have a nice meal. It is enough to restore the vitality of a regular life. Mr Zhang, who…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/11/01 长隆万圣节| Trick Or TreatTrick Or Treat. This year's Halloween is especially lively. so I made an appointment with my friends. And go for fun. Frighten myself by the way. The atmosphere was very horrible…cairou (47)in cn • 6 years ago2018/10/31 遇美丽的晚霞|Beautiful sunsetSee the beautiful sunset. Let us want to drive away. Like birds. Fly freely. To see thousands of beautiful scenery. Or ……or Walk to the seaside. Feel the wave of baptism. 2018年10月31日…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years agoHow long have you not been holding your family's hands?|你多久没有牵过你家人的手了?Usually, on the way to work, Or when you go for a walk, Every time I see an old one, Even two old men, When they hold each other's hands, I feel very warm, I think the world is still full of…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years agoAlthough it is still youth|尽管依旧青春年少在生命的长河里 又能有几次说约就约 广州 中山 佛山 这次广州通宵将就我考试 下次中山去朋友那看几亩田 期待我们仨能来场旅行 道一句 “一切顺利” 还有通宵后真的蠢了一天 希望以后再也别通宵啦 尽管依旧青春年少 Dans la vie. There are several times to say about. Foshan, Zhongshan…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years ago分享近日份的天空连续的暴雨过后 近日广州进入酷热 除了阳光猛烈了些 天气还是非常不错的 尤其是那你一抬起头来呀 便能欣赏其壮丽的天空 干净的湛蓝色 令人欣然向往 就连街道透出的光线 都是那么的活跃 像一群小精灵们 在那挥舞摆动着 分享一下昨日下午傍晚 广州天空的火烧云 半红半粉燃遍了半个天 甚是引人注目 虽然毕业了 但在朋友圈还是能看到…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years agoWhen you meet a super cute cat on the weekend|当你的周末遇上了一只可爱的小猫咪Yesterday, Had a…… A great weekend 昨日 过了一个 十分愉悦的周末 At the coffee shop. Met her 在咖啡厅 遇见她 And sometimes naughty Sometimes a romantic Sometimes gentle 时而调皮 时而缱绻 时而娇叫…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years ago祝你一路顺风什么是时光? 时光是周而复始的日升日落 是嬉闹的顽童长出宽阔肩膀 是你我从懵懂的大一新生变成远行的游子 站在熟悉的校门口 大学四年的时光如一幅画卷徐徐展开 那个初入大学校园的懵懂少女 不再胆怯不再彷徨不再眼神躲闪 细碎的短发变成了齐肩秀发 稚嫩的脸庞被书卷温柔上妆 少了些青涩多了些勇敢和坚定的味道 曾以为4年时光漫长而无涯…cairou (47)in cn-food • 7 years agoAn appetizing dish - pickled fish|酸菜鱼——令人有食欲的一道菜Pickled fish is a household classic dishes of Chongqing, one of pickled fish, must have the appetite of people increase immediately, pickled fish, with its unique flavor and unique cooking methods…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years agoGraduation is a pleasure to live up to your youth❤毕业快乐 不负韶华" But time is always driving people to grow up The journey from one stop to the next will never stop Just forget about it because you can't go back Then close your eyes and you have all the…cairou (47)in cn • 7 years ago2018/03/31 享受生活的不同【Enjoy the difference in your life】生活如此多娇,时隔两个月,我又回到steemit这个大家庭。看着两个月前自己发的文,总觉得缺少了些与众不同,今天是三月的最后一天呢,正好来个月未总结啦。…resteemedrivalhw (75)in cn-reader • 7 years ago有压力才更有动力我媳妇问我,为什么我放着平稳舒适的事情不去做,偏偏总喜欢去做些压力大的事情? 对于这个问题,我想了很久,自己也搞不清楚为什么会这样,如果非得说个缘由的话,我想那可能是自己觉得这样做才更有挑战,生活才更有趣,人生才更有意义吧。…cairou (47)in dailypetphotography • 7 years agoDailypetphotography #25:吐舌头 |spit out its tongueThis is a photo of dailypetphotography submitted by me. Event details: Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動! 这是我提交的dailypetphotography的摄影作品。活动详情: Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動!…cairou (47)in dailypetphotography • 7 years agoDailypetphotography #24:霸气 |powerfulThis is a photo of dailypetphotography submitted by me. Event details: Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動! 这是我提交的dailypetphotography的摄影作品。活动详情: Daily Pet Photography Event!︳每天寵物攝影活動!…