BlogHide Resteemsdikj (25)in game • 6 years ago逆淘汰中的博弈论Game theory in reverse elimination社会不只进行着正淘汰,同时还在进行着逆淘汰,经济学讲劣币驱逐良币,指的是当政府在铜钱里掺杂质时,人们会倾向于把良币藏起来,只花劣币,久而久之,良币就被淘汰了。经济学其本质是人类活动,在社会学中这种行为被成为社会的逆淘汰,比如说“宁跟君子打一架,不跟小人说句话”,这样做的结果是君子被怼,小人被惯。久而久之,君子就被淘汰了。在没有收益的情况下,人们为了规避风险和损失,会朝着代价最小的方向做选择,这种是dikj (25)in up • 6 years ago少数人的世界,多数人的狂欢 less people control the world,most of us are enjoying in there一场没有选择的既定游戏,量子力学带来的量子计算机可以解决人类基因序列的秘密,唯一可以与之对抗的是人对卓越的追求。 A game has no choice,only thing can solve is going.dikj (25)in environment • 6 years ago为什么我们无法解决食品安全问题和环境恶化Why can't we solve food safety problems and environmental degradation?我们吃的每一件食物,都不能完全放心,我们不知道食物的生产全过程。如果自己种植食物,如如一个记者写下的,一个农民说,城里人的抗药性强,他把自己吃的和卖出去的分开种。有一个纪录片,一个卖有机蔬菜的商人,他的产品,因为古法种植,品相不好看,价格贵。没人买。这个商人雇用的一位老农民说,他的绿色蔬菜显然卖不出去,他带记者看自己的菜地,都是放了农药的,没有虫子。他也说,以前可以游泳的河,现在已经成了污水河,同dikj (25)in ha • 6 years ago伏波娃 32.23%读书笔记我思考了一个问题,接下去看,问题马上就有了答案。女人除了爱情别无其他使命;这并不降低她的身份,因为男人的使命也是爱情。但人们可能想要知道,爱情对于女人是否也是通向人世的关键和美的显现?她是否在她的爱情中或她自己的形象中找到了那种美?她能否通过一个有知觉的人做出认识诗的诗意行动,或她会不会只局限于赞扬男性的作品?她本质上是诗,这是直接对男人而言的;但并无人指出,她对她自己而言是否也是诗。布勒东从未把dikj (25)in programmer • 6 years ago未来给程序员AI打辅助Next to the programmer artificial intelligence to play auxiliary自从了解了量子计算机的凶猛,我考虑,擦好刀,去给AI打辅助。AI在那写代码,我在旁边动情的解说。以程序员的懒惰程度,很可能,造一个编程AI,替自己上工,然后,在旁边,嗑着瓜子,哎,对,很好,不能在上面写病毒代码,一会要交工的呢。GitHub有一个debug机器人,想想,编程机器人是什么样子的?一个程序员的代码风格,程序员就是读文档,复制,粘贴,overflow,googling,有时还会忘记空格,dikj (25)in quantum • 6 years ago5G和量子计算机 quantum computer5G使用高频毫米技术,频率达到10G Hz以上。目标速度是4G的100倍以上。WiFi这种无线技术由海蒂拉玛的跳频技术发展而来,最初应用于军事的无线导弹,由于物联网,VR,AR,无人机,机械臂的应用,需要更高的反应速率,5G将网络延迟缩短到1毫秒,响应了无人驾驶技术的需要,同时5G也将带来比4G更高的健康隐患。…dikj (25)in stone • 6 years ago当罗伯特翻开瓦尔登湖When Robert turned over Walden“外婆的木屋,昏黄的光线,面包,气息”梭罗的瓦尔登湖不同于大部分的出版作品,感觉不同于雨果,莎士比亚的虚构故事,是事实,却又虚幻,虚幻中感到甜蜜,罗伯特在自己的书《禅与摩托车维修艺术》中写到,“梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》……克里斯从来没有听过这本书,但我可以读上一百次也不觉得累。通常我会选一本他不懂的书,作为我们以后对答之用,我先读一两个句子,然后等他一连串地发问,然后再回答他的问题,之后再读一两个句子,dikj (25)in philosophy • 6 years agoWe Are Not Born HumanBeing human means taking a leap out of the natural order. To be human requires an escape, in one way or another, from that mass of atoms, cells and particles from which you and I and everything else…dikj (25)in ha • 6 years agoDo you agree with the legalization of euthanasia?Humans have been studying the genome for many years, and each country has a small sequence. In order to predict hereditary diseases and congenital diseases, such as genes that control color…dikj (25)in hope • 6 years agoChinese education / (as a student)We defendant problem only a standard answer, when people grow up, the standard answer is not suitable for deal with this complex social. People feel confused and frustrating. While the other hand…dikj (25)in method • 6 years agoI choose the easy way to be a web developer(programmer) and I think I did the wrong way.Today,AI, big data,change everyone.The AI help to collect information of us, we become easy to be predicted.If you give the shop Cart information to professionals,according to your shopping choose…dikj (25)in art • 6 years agoI change the mind that U.S was great or "perfect"I change my mind that countries culture and the important to the faith of start point time after reading the book [Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance] , because personal value is person try…dikj (25)in c • 6 years agowhat's the "pointer" of C program language?C guys will say it will spend many years to understand the meaning of pointer ->,I was feeling drunk in the idea of the story in the past days. And, one day night I dreamed of clock ,that white…dikj (25)in faith • 6 years agofaith or moneyIt took 560 minutes to finish reading < Signature of all things>. I said that the heroine thought that I was lucky in my life. I thought of a point that was rich and rich, but Henry, a scholar…dikj (25)in human • 6 years agoHow did the primitive people invent the language? In order to round up the prey? Exchange ideas for thinking?Recently, I have been thinking about this problem more frequently, but when the original person is holding a spear, a pair of people will spread out to catch the animal, possibly using eyes…dikj (25)in discuss • 6 years agoIs there a romantic relationship between different species?Her (film) The film follows Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), a man who develops a relationship with Samantha (Scarlett Johansson), an intelligent computer operating system personified through a…dikj (25)in dirty • 6 years ago抵制日货?抵制韩货?抵制美货!?Boycott Japanese goods? Boycott Korean goods? Resist US goods! ?今天看到YouTube的视频里,一个来自南非的小伙问视频里的中国人,最不想去哪个国家,为什么,如果给你买张机票,去不去?有人说不想去美国,因为中美在贸易战,所以抵制美国。有人说不想去日本,讨厌日本。视频下面的评论是骂中国人的,Chinese people=dirty…dikj (25)in cn • 6 years ago图灵 正是无人理解之人,做出让人意料之外之事图灵和他同学时代的密友克里斯多夫,图灵觉的自己是一个怪咖,克里斯多夫说,有时候,正是那些人们认为无用的人,成就了无人所成之事。图灵在和克里斯多夫在树下看书,谈到密码学,密码学,不是秘密,令人叫绝的地方在于,所有人都看见信息,但是没有密钥就没有人会看懂,图灵说,这和说话有什么不同?当人们相互交谈的时候,他们总是表里不一,他们总是另有寓意,而你却要猜测他们的真正用意。当琼问起图灵为什么要帮她的时候,图dikj (25)in movie • 6 years agosometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.The Imitation Game What's that you're reading? - it's about cryptography. - Like secret messages? Not secret. That's the brilliant part. Messages that anyone can see but no one knows what they…dikj (25)in cn • 6 years ago关于转基因的争议?Controversy about genetic modification?前天看了崔永元的转基因的纪录片,关于除草剂草甘膦(达夫)的致癌性得到了证实,所以记录片不禁止播了。我在农村长大,看到水田里飘的各种农药瓶,草甘膦当然见过,居然制药的公司,各国政府,都在几年前草甘膦说没毒,那东西你看一眼就知道不能吃。据说这触动了权贵的利益,想起那个身处谎言的世界的视频里说,金钱只是大公司背后的精英们控制我们的工具,上高中时我甚至在想要不要成为大公司的精英,为什么我们要被金钱摆布,为