BlogHide Resteemsgoal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago人老了,一定要给自己留的7张底牌,太对了!第一张底牌:老伴 老伴老伴,老来相伴。青葱年华到白发苍苍,风风雨雨,携手并肩,相伴一生,这份情是谁也没法取代。粗茶淡饭,一日三餐。身边有个知冷知热的老伴,才是这辈子最大的福分。 人老了心不能老,子女有子女的生活,过多的干涉只会让孩子们厌烦,不如把更多的关心放在老伴身上。给老伴制造一些小的浪漫和惊喜,让夕阳之年,也能重温年轻时的温馨。 第二张底牌:老窝…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago生吃蜈蚣能治病?中国研究人员:小心引发脑膜炎有一些民间偏方声称生吃蜈蚣能治病,但中国研究人员30日警告说,生吃蜈蚣不但治不了病,反而可能引发脑膜炎。 研究人员在《美国热带医学与卫生杂志》上报告了两例相关病例,分别是一名78岁的女性和她46岁的儿子,他们因出现头痛等脑膜炎症状先後就医,发病前均生食过野生蜈蚣。…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoAmazon Web Services roll out Blockchain templates, targeting on Finance and Healthcare IndustryAmazon Web Services(AWS) unveiled the news of rolling out Blockchain templates in which they will have the service of utilizing Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric Framework, so as to allow users to…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago亞馬遜再進一步,在其雲端平台建立區塊鏈模板,醫療界別被納入首要考慮亞馬遜旗下雲端平台Amazon Web Services(AWS)在昨天公佈爆炸性消息, 因他們將在AWS推出「AWS 區塊鏈模板」,以以太幣及 Linux基金會的Hyperledger Fabric 兩種帳本框架,在亞馬遜生態圈打造區塊鏈應用. 具體做法是用戶使用受認證的 AWS CloudFormation 模板,來打造以太幣及Hyperledger Fabric的框架…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoHealthcare Giant are chasing the Big data, with the help of HealthCare BlockchainHealthcare Blockchain is a huge database actually. Due to the immutbale and distributed properties, it can have a huge potential after some times. Data mining has already been the trend in 21st…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago醫療區塊鏈, 龐大數據金礦利益, 大醫療公司正在搶先!醫療區塊鏈本身就是資料庫, 其資料庫隨著時間, 因區塊鏈恆久不變,以及其分佈性, 變成數據金礦. 數據的掌握己成21世紀經濟的命脈. 今次介紹一篇關於一群醫療儀器專家,聚集德國紐倫堡, 參與一項關於醫療儀器連接設備及區塊鏈應用的會議. 會議特別提到醫療區塊鏈將會顛覆整個醫療界,改寫版圖, 猶其當中的資料庫, 將會是未來醫療界的黃金.goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoDisruptive breakthrough by Blockchain to HealthCare, Linux Foundation has something to say.This blog is always to find the Health Care related Blockchain updates, as well as the opinion from different parties on the development of this issue. Today I would like to introduce The Linux…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago區塊鏈將令醫療界翻雲覆雨, 分享一下Linux基金會的睇法這個blog的方向從來都是尋找與醫療區塊鏈有關的專題及各方界別對這發展的睇法. 今次我們來了解Linux基金會在醫療區塊鏈發展的前景想法. 首先介紹一下Linux基金會,它就是區塊鏈行業中大名鼎鼎的Hyperledger Project的創起組織. Hyperledger Fabric Architecture已逐漸成為區塊鏈開源方案中最主流的開源體系.…goal458 (34)in picture • 7 years agoHealthcare Insurance cooperation on Blockchain projects, but little effect to companies' price?Today morning I have read the article from The Motley Fool, a famous financial service company from USA. It mentions that several healthcare insurance companies, which are direct rivalries…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago醫療保險集團合作大突破, 在醫療區塊鏈大展身手, 但對股價竟微不足道?今天早上閱讀了著名財經服務公司The Motley Fool的一篇文章, 提到美國數間互相競爭的醫療集團將共同創建以區塊鏈為基礎技術的醫療服務提供者的目錄, 即查詢有什麼醫生/護理員可供旗下客戶挑選, 以提供醫療服務., 其中包括UnitedHealth Group , Humana and Quest Diagnostics 這幾間美國大型健康保險及衛生資訊科技公司.…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago生物科技 in, 金融科技 out?剛閱讀一篇文章, 文章提到金融科技(Fintech)不再算是最吃香了, 現在生物科技(Biotech)開始成為本地及國際基金的主要投資對象. 醫療產業當然也是其中之一. 不難想像, 以Fintech的技術應用於Biotech,指日可待, 包括小弟專注於的醫療區塊鏈技術.goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoHainan province, China- Next spot of Medical Tourism, Opportunity for HealthCare BlockchainIt may be a normal news to ordinary people, but it can bring a strong impact to medical industry. Based on a guideline posted on the government this Sunday, the State Council from China, announced…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years ago中國海南省- 打造國際醫療旅游產業, 醫療區塊鏈或許有機遇這可能是對好多人普通不過的新聞, 但對於醫療產業卻是強心針. 海南省在醫療旅遊方面將實施自由貿易政策. 國務院決定在海南博鰲樂城國際醫療旅遊先行區暫停實施《醫療器械監督管理條例》第十一條第二款的規定 這代表什麼? 海南省人民政府直直接實施進口批准在中國尚無同品種產品獲准註冊的醫療器械,且是先行區內醫療機構臨床急需,在指定醫療機構使用。…goal458 (34)in cn • 7 years agoLess is more, Road to HealthCare Blockchain and technology.I always would like to use Steemit to write more about HealthCare Blockchain. But I notice that if the article is too long, the reader may be got distracted. After all, from now on, I will be much…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years ago簡明扼要! 向醫療區塊鏈與科技進發!小弟想盡力保持以steemit為中心,寫更多關於醫療區塊鏈的東西. 但發現其實文章過長的話, 讀者容易失去焦點. 因此從此以後, 更會簡明扼要地捉緊醫療區塊鏈相關及醫療科技的最新消息,以入門方式向讀者講解事情的扼要, 讀者有興趣可自行找更多資源. 如想進一步分析與討論,更可以回覆帖子. 首先今日要向大家說,美國已有醫療公司進行區塊鏈先導計劃,以研究區塊鏈是否能令醫療數據的安全性更高…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoElectronic Health Record (EHR)- Revolutionary Change brought by BlockchainLet say someone was sent to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of hospital due to urgent illness. The relatives of patients was asking the doctor about the situation of illness. However, when the doctor wish…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years ago電子健康紀錄 - 區塊鏈要帶來的改變大家不妨想一想,有人忽然有急病進了醫院, 經醫生的判斷後, 需轉送至加護病房作治療.就在此時, 病人家屬想詢問醫生病情時, 被醫生問及過去病人有什麼健康紀錄, 病人家屬總不會全盤了解病人的狀況, 因而衍生出眾多問題. 首先醫生未能立刻作出正確醫療判斷,在醫生角度, 這才是第一天認識此病人, 單憑眼前看見的症狀,不足以讓病人得到適當的治療, 例如病人有什麼藥物敏感…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoHealthcare Data- Crude Oil in Blockchain eraDisclaimer: This blog is not going to promote any healthcare ico, or those projects that have finished ico, rather it would like to explain the current situation and future prospect of Healthcare…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years ago醫療數據-區塊鍵時代的石油首先要申報一些東西, 這blog不是宣傳任何一隻醫療行業 ico, 或已完成ico的代幣項目,而是從一個深入淺出的手法去理解醫療行業在區塊鍵的現況及前景. 在此,亦重申不建議大家未搞清楚ico的背景,以及周邊相關資料(如現有市場狀況,個別國家政策等),便盲目追捧. 加密貨幣市場也正走向成熟的階段…goal458 (34)in healthcare • 7 years agoYo! Focusing on Healthcare Blockchain (ICO & news)Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Even though I have opened Steemit account for a long time, I haven't posted any topics that was interesting enough to arouse any concern. I simply just like a…