BlogHide Resteemsimako (48)in food • 7 years agoGuide to Bangkok - Rotfai Night Market 指導 泰國 - 曼谷夜市它的文學手段培養市場。 它之前位於Chatujak週末市場附近的一個古老的廢棄火車站。 現在它已經搬到了廣場 - 不是靠近任何一個車站,所以最好在那裡搭一輛出租車。 這個地方現在肯定是我必須去曼谷的地方之一。 這不是你在曼谷看到的正常的夜市,而是一個最熱門的複古愛好者的聚會! 我會再次訪問這個地方搜索: 復古收藏品 舊畫 古董家具 老式的經典車輛 童年遊戲和玩具…imako (48)in food • 7 years agoGuide to Guangzhou -- What to eat in Guangzhou? 在廣州吃什麼Guangzhou Wu Zhanji Wu Zhanji Fifty Restaurant Since the early twentieth century has been a traditional restaurant, a scholar porridge - and porridge. This porridge contains pork, pork…imako (48)in steemitphotochallenge • 7 years agoColorChallenge Monday Red Zinnia - 星期一紅一年中最好的切花之一,百日草綻放在各種各樣的顏色。 他們不介意炎熱和乾燥的條件,並將在夏季長時間地為您帶來鮮花。 One of the best cut flowers in the year, the hundred herbs bloom in a variety of colors. They do not mind the hot and dry…imako (48)in travel • 8 years agoTrip to China Xi An : Terracotta Warriors 中國之行 - 西安:兵馬俑兵馬俑We do not think we can travel to Xi'an on their own, but after the start of the study, in fact very easy. My husband was very young when he went to Xi'an because he was a Chinese history lover…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoColorChallenge Friday Blue日本茨城日立海濱公園 Hitachi Seaside Park Japan日立海濱公園以470個地區為特色,以“Nemophila Harmony”而聞名,是5月份舉辦的大型花卉節,慶祝盛開450多萬半透明藍色Nemophila(寶寶藍眼睛)花卉的花卉節。 公園還擁有170種鬱金香,超過一百萬個水仙花和無數的其他花卉。 有趣的事實:在八月份,日立海濱公園也每年舉辦“日本搖滾樂”imako (48)in travel • 8 years agoTour To The Ancient City Wall of Xi An China 西安古城牆之旅Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in China and has a long history. The walls of Xi'an were built under the emperor 's emperor' s regime in the 18th century. Is still living in China, the most…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoColorChallenge Monday Red Panjin Red Beach China 盤錦紅海灘,中國Located in the Liaohe River Delta, the beach is a large number of seaweed residents, in the saline soil to flourish. Although most of the seaweeds are green in the year, it turns red in the fall.…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoTrip to Wang Fu Jing And Wangfujing Snack Street 前往 王府井Basically it's like our Orchard Road with all the big international brands. 基本上這就像我們的烏節路與所有的大國際品牌。 < center>Beautiful At Night It was the only time we felt so easy to walk without time…imako (48)in food • 8 years agoBest of Wang Fu Jing 前往 王府井imako (48)in food • 8 years ago中國家禽食譜 Chinese poultry recipes中國人,對於這個問題,大多數東方人相信使用動物的所有部分。 無論是雞還是豬,中國人都可以使每一隻動物的每一寸都變成一道美味的菜。 有些人不明白為什麼中國人吃雞腳,膽量或其他東西,但是有原因呢。 我認為主要原因是因為必要。 中國幾個世紀以來,無數次的戰爭是必然的,人們不得不利用任何可以控制的東西。 因此,吃這些西方人不會想到的東西已經成為中國文化的一部分。 上面提到的一個例子是雞腳。…imako (48)in colorchallenge • 8 years agoColorChallenge Red Monday Sprinkle red festival worldwide 灑紅節 全世界 -HOLISprinkle red festivalworldwide Mainly in India and Nepal observed, but with the growing popularity of South African non-Hindus, spring color and love is an ancient Hindu religious festival…imako (48)in colorchallenge • 8 years agoColorChallenge Saturday morning glory pool Yellowstone National Park 星期六早晨榮耀池,黃石國家公園,懷俄明州星期六早晨榮耀池,黃石國家公園,懷俄明州 這個溫泉中的顏色比山的獨特的粉紅色調更加深入研究,絕對是由於細菌殖民地襯在其牆壁上。 有時候,在該地區的地震活動劇烈之後,游泳池會以噴泉的形式爆發。 morning glory pool, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming The color of the hot spring is much…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoTour to Beijing Hutongs | Qianmen Street Part 1 北京胡同へのツアーBeijing Hutong Hutong refers to the route or alley. Beijing alley includes many old huts made up of traditional courtyard houses residing in Beijing. 除了必須去的地方 - 中國的長城。…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoColor Challenge Friday Blue Forest Germany 顏色挑戰星期五藍色森林德國黑森林,德國 擁有自己獨特品種的牛,馬和巨型蚯蚓,黑森林是位於德國西南部巴登符騰堡州的山脈的一部分。 實際的森林主要由挪威雲杉,道格拉斯冷杉和白松樹組成,充滿了民俗的遠足,騎自行車和越野滑雪道。 該地區還以黑森林火腿,黑森林蛋糕和著名的精密時鐘(在兩次世界大戰之前關閉工廠之前製造)的起源而聞名。 Has its own unique breeds of cattle…imako (48)in cn • 8 years agoWherein is the high-quality place to stay in BeijingOver the recent years, Beijing has cemented its authority as the perfect vacation spot for business and pleasure. The city boasts of a numerous lifestyle, embodied in a mix of contemporary…imako (48)in steemitphotochallenge • 8 years agoColorChallenge: Green Love tunnel Clyvin愛情隧道 克萊文烏克蘭愛情隧道,克萊文,烏克蘭 在位於烏克蘭西部的省的河畔,位於的小型住所。 該鎮成立於年,人口僅為人,是的 區只有三個“城市型居住區”之一(另外兩個是和)。 流行的“愛之洞”實際上是通過火車通過樹木形成的鐵軌上的樹木覆蓋。 Love tunnel, Clyvin, Ukraine Located on the banks of the Stubla River in the…imako (48)in travel • 8 years agowhere to go in Beijing 在北京去哪裡 北京胡同| 前門街第一部分Except where you must go - the Great Wall of China. The following is my list of historical cultural heritage in Beijing.imako (48)in steemitphotochallenge • 8 years agoReed Flute Cave Guilin China蘆葦洞,桂林,中國中國這個天然的石灰石洞穴已經超過1.8億年(雖然彩色照明更是近一些)。 有趣的事實:洞穴牆上的水墨銘文一直追溯到公元792年,告訴我們,即使是那個洞穴也是一個吸引人的地方。 China's natural limestone cave has been more than 180 million years (although the color lighting is…imako (48)in food • 8 years agoTrip to to Tianjin -China 去天津旅遊We went to Tianjin day trip. To be honest, I did not have much impression of Tianjin before traveling, and now after traveling, I would rather like Xi'an. The tour guide took us to China's largest…imako (48)in steemitphotochallenge • 8 years agoFive Flower Lake, Jiuzhaigou Valley 中國九寨溝五湖花湖五花湖位於四川省國家公園和保護區九寨溝山谷,是冰川徑流的產物,藍色,綠色和青綠色的水域從不同的碳酸鈣濃度和不同的深度吸取顏色。 由於五花湖的淺水和清澈的水域,從表面上可以看到保存的湖泊遺留的古樹。 Wuhua Lake is located in the Sichuan Provincial National Park and the protected area of…