BlogHide Resteemskevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoPhilippians 4:6-7 [Do Not Be Anxious] About Anything But In Every Situation By Prayer And Petition With Thanksgiving Present Your Request To God.Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoSometimes You May Ask: Does God Really Care About Me? God Himself Gives This Assurrance in Jeremiah 1:5"Before I formed you in the womb, I knee you, before you were born I set you apart" [Jeremiah 1:5] My Thoughts The wordings of Jeremiah 1:5 serve to reassure us that God cares for each one of…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoMatthew 6:34 [Words Of Wisdom] - So Don't Worry About Tomorrow For Tomorrow Will Bring It's Own Worries. Today's Trouble Is Enough For Today."So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today". - Mat. 6:34 It is a known fact the worries have led to some serious health…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoHow Daniel's Prophecy Foretold 500 Years In Advance The Very Year That Messiah - Jesus Christ - Would Arrived On The World Scene [Daniel 9:24-27]There are 70 weeks that have been determined for your people and your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression and to finish off sin, to make atonement for error, to bring in everlasting…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoPsalm 86:5 [God's Goodness] - You, Lord, are Forgiving and Good. Abounding in Love to All Who Call to You.You, Lord, are forgiving and good. Abounding in love to all who call to you. [Psalm 86:5]kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoLuke 6:31 [The Golden Rule] - Do To Others As You Would Like Them To Do To You.This statement is often referred to as the golden rule. It can also be stated in other words "whatever you would not like others to do to you, do not do it to them". Christ gave his disciples, and…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoIsaiah 40:26 [Creation Reveals God's Glory] - Lift Up Your Eyes To The Heavens And See Who Has Created These Things...Lift up your eyes to the heavens and see, who has created these things? It is the one who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoHebrews 3:4 - Of Course Every House Is Constructed By Someone But He That Constructs All Things Is GodIt is indeed a challenge for some, even today, to believe in the theory of creation as spelt out in Genesis account. Many has chosen to give credit to the theory of bind chance or evolution as the…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoProverbs 23:7 - [Thoughts Are Things] - As a Man Thinks in His Heart... So is HeSure! Thoughts are things. Every thing a man accomplishes or achieves must first begin in the form of thoughts. How miniature or how gigantic the achievement turns out to be certainly have a direct…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoProverbs 16:24 [Gracious Speech] - Kind Words Are Like Honey Sweet To The Soul And Healthy For The BodyKind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. [Proverbs 16:#24]kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoPsalm 51:10 [HeartFelt Prayers] - Create In Me A Clean Heart O God... And Renew The Spirit Within Me.Like the Psalmist David, we are in need of cleanliness of hearts. And it is only our heavenly Father who can clean our hearts of all guilts and restore us to a good standing with him. Sometimes we…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoScriptural Question: Does God Still Speak To Us By Means of The Prophets?Scripturally, the answer is NO. God does not anymore use the prophets to communicate to us in this present time, although the information provided by Prophets of old can still provide useful…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoJohn 8:32 - You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Will Make You FreeYes indeed! Anyone who does not or who is yet to know the truth about a particular person, place or a thing is in bondage of ignorance. This bondage will in turn affect his every thoughts and…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoJohn 7:37 [Invitation] - If Anyone Thirsts Let Him Come To Me And DrinkA thirsty person will readily be willing to accept an offer from a friend who wants to refresh him with a bottle of cool water. Similarly, those who are spiritually thirsty, or conscious of their…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoProverbs 3:27 [Help] - Do Not Withold Good From Those To Whom You Should Give It, If It Is Within Your Power To Help.Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it, if it kis within your powers to help. [Proverbs 3:27] Do not say to your neighbour, "Go away: come back later! I will give it to you…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoScriptural Quote: Proverbs 10:5 [Insight] - The Son Acting With Insight Gathers The Crop In Summer. But The Son Acting Shamefully Is Fast Asleep During Harvest.The son acting with insight garthers the crop in summer. But the son acting shamefully is fast a sleep during the harvest . [Proverbs 10:5]kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoMatthew 20:28 [Christ Our Ransomer] - Just As The Son Of Man Came Not To Be Ministered To, But To Minister And Give His Life As A Ransom In Exchange For Many.Jesus actually left his prestigious position in heaven, came to the earth and be born as human in order to minister to the spiritual needs of dying humans. On one occasion, he even had to wash the…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoMatthew 6:30 - And If God Cares So Wonderfully For Wildflowers That Are Here Today And Gone Tomorrow, He Will Certainly Care For You.And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. [Matthew 6:30]kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoRevelation 4:11 [Glory To The Creator Of All Things] - You Are Worthy, Jehovah Our God , To Receive The Glory And The Honor And The Power, Because You Created All Things, And Because Of Your Will They Came Into Existence And Were Created.You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honour and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will, they came into existence and were created. [Revelation…kevaton (48)in christian-trail • 7 years agoIsaiah 43:2 [God's Protection] - When You Pass Through The Waters, I Will Be With You.Those who Fear God and put their trust in him are assured of divine protection as they sail through the turbulent waters of life. Servants of the true God in bible times did benefit from such divine…