BlogHide Resteemsmelliza (38)in esteem • 6 years agoKopi sanger espresso dinginAssalamualaikum sahabat steemian semua, apakabarnya? Alhamdulillah kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT ya. Nah hari ini saya akan menceritakan sebuah cerita yaitu tentang kopi. Tidak…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoMartabak TelurDiscuss about the types of martabak in Indonesia. There are 2 types of martabak, namely: sweet martabak and egg martabak. Sweet Martabak is usually called bright moon. Although both are martabak, it…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoIkan Bandeng BakarSpecially baked milkfish dishes are delicious and delicious. This dish also has a distinctive and so delicious flavor because it is mixed and combined with delicious ingredients and spices with…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoKulepas engkau dengan bismillahSumber I think I'm tired enough, maybe it's time I let you off with Bismillah, we have different perspective, we have different goals, and in fact not all differences can be put together. Thank…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoKota Dingin TakengonThe highlands are the hallmark of this city, the strategic place and the abundant natural resources. Takengon is also the only one in Aceh that has a beautiful Lake "Lake Lut Tawar". No wonder…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoAyam penyetAyam penyet yaitu sajian lezat yang disajikan dengan sambal khusus ayam penyet, cara membuat ayam ini sama saja dengan membuat ayam goreng, cuma kalau penyet ini ayamnya setelah digoreng langsung…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoCah KangkungCah kangkung is one of the culinary heritage of the ancestors. Perhaps our parents were more familiar with the name of sauteed kale. Sauteed watercress or recipe cah kangkung actually almost…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoSunsetTuesday, 8 may 2018 sunset in Lhokseumawe city reservoir The sunset or the swastamita is the time when the sun disappears below the horizon line to the west. The red color in the sky at sunset…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoEmptyWe get used to it, you get used to disappearing without news, and I'm used to waiting for you to fall asleep, we're used to each other, you're used to letting the problem arise and I'm used to…melliza (38)in food • 7 years agoGrilled FishSnapper is one type of sea fish that is easily found in the market. This fish has a somewhat rounded bodyshape and tend to be in the pip. The fins are elongated in the back region. These fish are…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoMie AcehMie aceh is a regional cuisine that has spread in Indonesia, many aceh food stalls that sell aceh noodles and a favorite for the Indonesian community. If seen from its history, Aceh culinary can not…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoLemon teaOne of the existing drink creations and much in demand by many among the lemon tea. Fresh flavors of lemon or lime, combined with a mild tea taste can help quench your thirst, especially during the…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoNugget ayamFor those of you who like to consume chicken meat would already know with practical processed foods this one, because it is usually sold in packs that have been so and stay fried, the Nugget.…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoNasi Goreng PattayaFried rice pattaya, or simply rice pattaya, is a Malaysian dish made by wrapping fried rice in an omelet. These foods are also served along with chilli sauce, cucumber, and or crackers. The name…melliza (38)in zappl • 7 years agoHarapan palsuSebuah harapan di Pucok trieng leumik 😂melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoPilihan HidupAku orang yang tak akan meninggalkanmu ketika kau meninggalkanku dan berpaling kepada kebahagianmu dan orang-orang yang ada disekitarmu. sampai akhirnya semua itu meninggalkanmu satu persatu. Tapi…melliza (38)in cemilanmalam • 7 years agoMati LampuMati lampu enaknya ngemil☕melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoMemotong Padi Dengan Mobil Pemotong Padi Asal JepangMobil pemotong padi asal Jepang sedang memanenkan padi petani di Gampong Blang Syamtalira Bayu Aceh utara, petani Aceh Utara mulai tertarik dgn mobil pemotong padi ini, petani juga mendapatkan…melliza (38)in esteem • 7 years agoTape BerasTape yaitu salah satu makanan kesukaan saya, cara membuat tape itu sangat mudah, bahannya pun mudah di dapat. Membuat tape dari beras atau nasi ini sangatlah mudah. Anda hanya perlu…melliza (38)in zappl • 7 years agoJus Al PukatDi luar panas ya...?Siang ini saya di temani jus alpukat, rasanya sangat enak...Jus alpukat memiliki kandungan vitamin E yang tinggi. Dengan kandungan vitamin E yang tinggi ini, maka jus alpukat…