BlogHide Resteemsmykaking (25)in block • 7 years agoMyka的“佛系”区块链 buddhist blockchain建了一个知识星球,每日禅思以及一点点区块链的信息。欢迎大家来做客 扫码加入哦,亲们。喜欢禅的和喜欢区块链的来玩儿mykaking (25)in photo • 7 years agopainting town museumphotos took by MyKamykaking (25)in movie • 7 years ago电影《超新约全书》中的新型感觉818超新约全书中的新型感觉 上帝是一名脾气暴躁的程序员,住在布鲁塞尔,对妻女家暴,儿子耶稣离家出走。 亚当夏娃蒙昧时期的遮羞布是随身携带的黑色马赛克,想到了那个无人机打马赛克视频。好奇工牌名字EVA是怎么戴在皮肤上的? 档案抽屉堆叠直达天际,城市沙盘的遭际和真实城市同步,花洒下雨和飞机失事。 “人类普遍困境”是这位变态上帝制定的,他以人类的痛苦为快乐。…mykaking (25)in movie • 7 years ago电影《超新约全书》中的新型感觉818超新约全书中的新型感觉 上帝是一名脾气暴躁的程序员,住在布鲁塞尔,对妻女家暴,儿子耶稣离家出走。 亚当夏娃蒙昧时期的遮羞布是随身携带的黑色马赛克,想到了那个无人机打马赛克视频。好奇工牌名字EVA是怎么戴在皮肤上的? 档案抽屉堆叠直达天际,城市沙盘的遭际和真实城市同步,花洒下雨和飞机失事。 “人类普遍困境”是这位变态上帝制定的,他以人类的痛苦为快乐。…mykaking (25)in story • 7 years ago老爸炒股在1998年我四年级那一年,我们家斥资万元买了一台大头电脑,在当时还是很稀罕的玩意儿。可不是为了我,是为了他炒股方便。那个年代使用的客户端叫钱龙,需要在主机里插上那个像独立显卡一样的装置,我感觉那个属于硬件。那时玩游戏学英语还是用的软盘和光盘,网络上下载还不常见。接收股市信号的网路是用的有线电视的那根线。…mykaking (25)in travel • 7 years ago去美国一路上遇到的那些可爱人儿~~~本文录制了一期电台节目,可以边听边看,清荑为你读~~~~ 工作需要去美国东海岸一段时间,第一次出这么远的门,有点紧张,还好一路上遇到好多可爱的人儿,让我的旅途充满了温馨~~~~~~~…mykaking (25)in story • 7 years agoBear Registers with the Bunny Police - A lovely story by Bear HartOn the morning of the day after Bear arrived in Bunny's country, he knew he must register with the Bunny police. He did not want to cause any trouble for Bunny who had sent him a loving invitation…mykaking (25)in story • 7 years agoA short story-Empress Jen Scolds General LiuIn the fourth year of Empress Jen, her loyal General Liu approached her at Morning audience. “Most exalted and august Empress, opportunity is rife to augment your lands and slay your opponents. My…mykaking (25)in photography • 7 years agocolorful life in photosmykaking (25)in doctorwho • 7 years ago池之女,河之歌——river song 宋江女王陛下 the queenpicture all from, if anyone finds a picture has a copyright, please tell me I will delete it right away. Hello sweety! 宋江给大家请安了,好久不见,圣诞节快到了,到时会和大家见面,好期待哦~~~~ 一…mykaking (25)in memory • 7 years ago单车轮转上学路老爸对接送孩子这项任务不怎么感兴趣,三年级的时候我就开始断断续续的坐公交车上学,等车实在是浪费时间的事儿,车站离家也还有段距离,如果出发晚了,赶不上车,就会经常迟到。到了四年级,终于可以自己骑车上学了。再也不用在校门口傻等到天黑,再也不用牺牲休息时间早早出门去坐公交。好喜欢我的小车。放学一路下坡,我会骑得很快,穿梭于车流中,游刃有余。…mykaking (25)in english • 7 years agoElegant English (Adverbial) post and flip in lyrics 一首歌来看英语中优美的(定状语)后置和倒装Aleah is a singer/song writer from Örebro, Sweden. Her music has an atmospheric stripped down dark-ambient/gothic sound with acoustic guitars. All Songs, Melodies and Lyrics are by Aleah. No album…mykaking (25)in fruit • 7 years ago茅莓 Rubus Parvifolius一株茅莓和复古笔记本绝配 一度以为她就是覆盆子,结果写完文章挨个替换成茅莓,汗。覆盆子长在树上是木本的,这货匍匐在地里是小灌木。又涨知识了。覆盆子是Raspberry,以后不会混了。放一张覆盆子图片以便大家区分,是有点像哈~~~不过还是茅莓比较上相嘿嘿~~~(女同胞们可以多吃点蔓越莓 Cranberry 好处很多就不细说了) 覆盆子也叫树莓…mykaking (25)in dream • 7 years agoevolve in the dream — 8 loopsThis is a long dream and I think it's like a science fiction movie, so I wrote it down after woke up. Scene: like the roller coaster as super-wide train, each carriage is like a crew in acting.…mykaking (25)in doctorwho • 7 years agoDoctor Who fan fiction— the "Alien Show"By Timelady(Myka) Dr and River Song farewell before the singing twin towers. River’ eyes are full of sadness, they do not want to stay here for 20 years, they made an appointment to meet the next…