Bear Registers with the Bunny Police - A lovely story by Bear Hart

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


On the morning of the day after Bear arrived in Bunny's country, he knew he must register with the Bunny police. He did not want to cause any trouble for Bunny who had sent him a loving invitation to visit her in her country. With this invitation, he could get a visa in Bear land to visit Bunny's country.

Outside of the Bunny home compound, Bunny called a taxi. Bear was impressed: on her smartphone, Bunny had an app that showed any taxi close by that would come for them. Later, Bear realized that lady Bunny taxi drivers had very clean taxis that were very comfortable with a home touch: carpet on the floor, friendly atmosphere, no smoke. Some male Bunny taxi drivers sat in front behind plastic protection, smoked out of the window, talked on the phone, and were ok but living in their own world.

The taxi dropped Bunny and Bear by the local police station. At first, they went to the wrong entrance. Bunny asked the policeman behind the window for the right direction. They entered the right police station.

Bear was surprised: The police station looked sunny, modern, bright. He had imagined a Communist police station to be dark, intimidating, full of smoke from armed policemen looking with suspicion at the people coming in, intimidating them with their attitude and the atmosphere of the station.

The policeman asked Bunny and Bear to sit down in front of him. Bear noticed the Police was using Windows PX computer system, with the home page showing the famous green hills of Marin County in California outside the Microsoft software engineers' office. What a big surprise!

The young policeman called his superior to check if the address of Bunny where Bear would live was within his police district. Then, he checked Bear's passport and wrote out Bear's residency permit. Now, Bear was living with Bunny officially. Bunny would not get into problems for hosting a foreign devil illegally. Bear did not want to cause any problems for his beloved Bunny!

Bunny and Bear left the police station. To get back to the Bunny home, they took a bus. Bear still had two new shiny 1 Bunny Yuan coins from the airport where a kind bunny lady exchanged his Bear money for Bunny money. He gave it to Bunny and she gave it to the bus driver. Bunny and Bear rode the bus to the station next to the Bunny home. They went home and were ready for new adventures.

The end

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