BlogHide Resteemsponyblockchain (27)in cn • 8 months ago罐头是添加剂最少最健康的食物,却为什么只有中国人不喜欢吃罐头据精确的统计数据显示,在全球罐头产业的格局中,我国罐头产量始终稳稳占据着世界第一的显著位置。这一成绩无疑彰显了我国在罐头生产领域的强大实力和领先地位。然而,令人深思的是,尽管产量如此之高,在人均年消费方面,我国却仅仅为 1kg 这一低水平。 与此形成鲜明对比的是,大洋彼岸的美国,其人均年消费罐头的数量高达令人咋舌的 90kg。欧洲地区的人均年消费量也达到了 50kg…ponyblockchain (27)in cn • last year世界上最孤独的国家,1600公里内没有邻国,总人口的5%都是华人它与世隔绝,周围1600公里范围内只有大海。 甚至被称为世界上最孤独的国家,它就是新西兰。 可即便如此,却依旧让无数人对它趋之若鹜,它到底有什么魅力? 新西兰这个南太平洋上的小岛国,原汁原味的自然风光映衬着本地人悠然惬意的生活节奏。这座热情好客而又与世无争的国度,得天独厚的地理位置和气候环境,铸就了一个近乎完美的世外桃源。新西兰位于远离世界主要大陆的孤岛上,四周环海,没有邻国。…ponyblockchain (27)in cn • last year俄士兵阵亡前留在墙上的遗言曝光,俄防长下令满足其请求综合俄新社、《消息报》等多家俄媒报道,俄罗斯国防部当地时间18日晚在社交平台Telegram上发布消息称,俄防长绍伊古已下令,要求满足俄士兵罗曼•鲁达科夫生前提出的请求。俄国防部提到,鲁达科夫在顿涅茨克马林卡地区执行任务时阵亡,他生前在马林卡地区一面墙上写下关于照顾他家人的请求。…ponyblockchain (27)in cn • last year罗永浩评董宇辉变「高级合伙人」:都是虚的,重要的是给多少股份鞭牛士 12月18日消息,昨日晚间,东方甄选发布直播预告海报,显示,董宇辉的身份从“带货主播”变为了“东方甄选高级合伙人”。 对此,罗永浩在直播中评论说,该身份和职位是虚的,最后就看一件事,如果有足够大的股份授予的话,理论上是要发布公告,别的都是扯淡。“可以是高级合伙人,也可以是超高级合伙人,这些工商都不管,最重要的是实实在在给了多少。ponyblockchain (27)in cn • last year我和丈母娘在法国摆摊卖刀削面,一天削面100斤面,日入1000欧这是我们讲述的第2859位真人故事 人头攒动的巴黎街头,集市上熙熙攘攘。国民女神高圆圆出现在一辆刀削面餐车前。 戴着眼镜的圆脸小伙和他的丈母娘,一个忙着熬臊子,一个忙着削面。 “阿姨还有面吗?”听到这一温婉动听地喊声,两人才抬起头。一看国民女神大驾光临,笑得合不拢嘴,三下五除二做好了一碗美味的刀削面。 我叫郭章龙@巴黎小郭郭Paris,圆脸小伙就是我。…ponyblockchain (27)in dongwu • last year如何驱赶天花板的壁虎?以下是几种驱赶天花板上的壁虎的方法: 使用捕捉器:购买或制作一些捕捉器,这些设备可以捕捉到壁虎并将其放置在室外。在一些国家,政府也有提供这些设备。 使用喷雾剂:使用具有杀虫剂效果的喷雾剂,喷在壁虎活动的区域,这将驱赶它们。 清洁房间:壁虎通常会在墙壁和天花板上寻找昆虫,因此,定期清理房间和天花板上的灰尘和昆虫可以减少壁虎的数量。…ponyblockchain (27)in gtp • last year中国的人工智能很难超过欧美我为什么会认为国内人工智能很难超过欧美,并不是因为崇洋媚外,因为人工智能都是基于数据训练出来的,拿chatgpt和gpt来讲,他们不仅仅是检索工具,他是基于模型算出来的,换句话话说是根据自己的理解给出来的。 但是训练的前提是数据,在中国,百度家掌握的数据几乎是最多的,但是,百度数据最大的问题就是数据污染太严重了,导致今天自己恶心了自己。…ponyblockchain (27)in bitcoin • 6 years ago7.28午间行情:BTC跌破前低 其他主流币无一幸免BTC昨日下跌的幅度,横盘几天之后,振幅超过10%,大大超过前几天的跌幅;接下来走势,关注日线9222美元收盘价情况,若不能企稳,将下行趋势延续;若企稳,可以在小级别时间周期K线寻找,回踩下方新的需求区。 阅后分享,感谢支持!ponyblockchain (27)in video • 6 years agoGBS Chinese 11-year-old genius Lori F1 racer stunning stadium 3 years old began to practice with the champion father Super clear 720Pponyblockchain (27)in bitcoin • 6 years agoThe US debt suddenly burst into a violent tide, and the "Golden Girl" left the game, ready to welcome cash as a king.Today (October 6th), the dollar asset price suddenly burst into a plunging frenzy. The 10-year US Treasury yield rose to a new high of more than seven years after the release of US non-agricultural…ponyblockchain (27)in bitcoin • 6 years agoBitcoin will be used by everyone in a few months" - This person's understanding of BTC will surprise youponyblockchain (27)in siberia • 6 years agoSiberian Husky (Siberian Husky) is still a baby / / cuteponyblockchain (27)in bronze • 6 years agoHetian jade version of "Yue Wang Goujian sword" stunning appearance of the highest price of nearly 500,000Original title: Hetian jade version "Vietnamese Gou Jianjian" stunning appearance The highest price is nearly 500,000 Pictured: Hetian Baiyu version of Yue Wang Goujian sword. Pictured:…ponyblockchain (27)in blockchain • 7 years agoAfter ten years, will the blockchain become a bubble or become the savior of the financial crisis?Often the most auspicious figures can't help but bring some surprises to human life. For example, the number "8", which is known as the wealth issue, is entangled with the financial crisis. 1988…ponyblockchain (27)in japan • 7 years agoHokkaido, which was screened by the 6.7-magnitude earthquake, should be the most beautiful season.Japan, which has just experienced the violent destruction of Typhoon No. 21, also reported major disasters yesterday. At 3:00 am local time on September 6 (2:08 Beijing time), a magnitude 6.7…ponyblockchain (27)in steemit • 7 years agoMy stearmit complaint rightsTake the liberty to ask if you have a contact with Steemit to defend your rights? My article was stolen by a user of Steemit and he marked my article as original.ponyblockchain (27)in bitcoin • 7 years ago24-hour crit, global cryptocurrency total market value landslide 15%Abstract: The macroeconomic cycle is down, the funds are panic, high-risk assets are first sold, and digital currency is a very typical high-risk asset. The global digital currency market has…ponyblockchain (27)in villa • 7 years agoTaiwan’s Yunshang Villa, pushing the door is like a cloud, it’s like making a fairy.(Taiwan) Global Travel Photographer | Source: Go to Minhang Yundong Mountain Villa, you can know the name, you can't get away with the cloud here. The misty haze here, as if in a fairyland, can…ponyblockchain (27)in safety • 7 years agoBuild a new world order, starting from 0The 2018 ISC Internet Security Conference (formerly China Internet Security Conference) was held today. The world's top security strategy think tanks, security industry leaders, academic experts…ponyblockchain (27)in bitcoin • 7 years agoChinese Bank Issues Securities Worth $66 Million on a BlockchainZheshang Bank, one of the largest privately held commercial banks in China, has completed an issuance of securities worth $66 million using its proprietary blockchain platform. Based on public…