BlogHide Resteemsreticwolf (35)in lessons • 6 years agoKids should want in lifeGrowing up, I always heard "I work hard so my kids will never want anything." I like this but unless broken down i disagree. I work hard so my kids will never need anything. I want my kids to want.…reticwolf (35)in reflection • 7 years agoWowSo it has been a little over a yead and not exactly how i thoughg it would go. Left a good job for what i thought was a better job but wasnt. Then come to find out my old job went to shit anyways so…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoDemonI have a demon inside of me. My matter how hard i look I can not see The evil that flows through my body I TRIED TO STOP THE KILLING but all i bring fourth is pain and misery the new sxplodes…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoArticle 1"All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." Article 1, Universal…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoCity In RuinThe blood is dripping from Anarchy's blade. The city smells rank from death and rot God cursed us with this barbarian raid Some fought to survive but many did not Decapitation before my own…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoA seat on the busA seat on the bus doesnt care what color you are Why do the people on the bus care what color you are How is the back of the bus different from the front of the bus we all are going somewhere…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoFailureFailure is just another work For try a little harder next time Don't let yourself lose out Just because you've lost Don't give up on yourself Cause failure is just another word Failure is…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoWhat have we Done???We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded the laziness and called it welfare. We have killed out unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoThe HoleThere is a Hole. That Statement could work for almost any question you ask me about myself. "How's Life?" Theres a hole. "How's Sobriety?" Theres a hole. "How are you doing?" Theres a hole. It's…reticwolf (35)in survival • 7 years agoSurvival tip #62Be Gun Safety Savvy If you already own a fire arm you should already know how to safely handle and care it it. If you are looking to buy a firearm then you really need to educate your self on the…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoPosting ideasSo ive been super busy lately so i uave not been able to post a lot and i want that to change. So I am wondering between all of my followers what are you guys looking to see. I've done beer reviews…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoLomg time no post....What is up everyone. I have been working like crazy and have not had time to post or to come on here at all. I have been mining bitcoing and a few others on my phone ao if anyone is interested…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoBeer ReviewSo tonight is going to be a long night. Little sister is in the ER again because of her heart failure and im watching her kids as well as my 2. Her oldest has aspergers and they dont have a bed time…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoBeer ReviewSo last night I was all over the place when it came to what beer i wanted to drink. Started off with New Belgiums new seasonal Tartastic. I really like sour beers so i had a lot of hope for this one…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoJurassic ParkSo drinking and watching a movie is a great idea, except when the movie is Sy-Fy related. Im sitting her watching Jurassic World and near the end the main guy realizes that he is the true alpha with…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoMoscow MuleSo yesterday leaving work i wanted to try a new drink. So i looked on the shelves to see if there was something i could make. Either a Jungle juice drink from hell, a good bourbon to sip on, or just…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoSurvival tip 64So this one is going to be a longer post but well worth it. The frontiersmen may have used the same knife to skin game, eat, and shave with. But that might not have been the greatest idea. They…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agoNew Conceal CarrySo ive been on the hunt for a long time now and I am looking to what you guys have to say. I am looking for a new sidearm to conceal carry (open carry till permit gets cleared). I was just going to…reticwolf (35)in life • 7 years agomore steemSo im on here quit a bit lately and see posts going for everything. What is it that people reading this want to see?? Im just looking to see what is going to be relevant to what people want to see.…reticwolf (35)in survival • 7 years agoSurvival Tip 88Build your Survival Skills There are a lot of basic things that people need to learn, not just for WSHTF, but just out of basic life. Things like building a fire, Basic first aid, sewing…