
in reflection •  6 years ago 

So it has been a little over a yead and not exactly how i thoughg it would go. Left a good job for what i thought was a better job but wasnt. Then come to find out my old job went to shit anyways so i guess i made it out on top, but with less pay. I have a new job in the works, so we will see how that goes.

When i statlrted this i thought i would start a kick ass blog and make crazy mounts of money but tht didnt go as planned either. I did start a new website which is a survival gear site. If you check it out thank you 8n advance. Put in insta15 for 15% off at check out. If you wanna find somwthing or your looking for something let me know and i xan find it for you.

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A good post I like with the post.
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