BlogHide Resteemsrevia (37)in earthquake • 7 years agoPenyebab gempa bumiGempa bumi adalah getaran atau guncangan yang terjadi di permukaan bumi. Gempa bumi biasa disebabkan oleh pergerakan kerak bumi (lempeng bumi). Gempa bumi biasanya terjadi di perbatasan…revia (37)in family • 7 years agoKeluargaMemasuki kehidupan berkeluarga tentunya memerlukan persiapan yang sangat matang dari setiap pasangan dalam membangun sebuah keluarga yang harmonis. Adapun yang perlu kita tanamkan dalam…revia (37)in animals • 7 years agoTigerThe tiger is the largest cat species of its species, even bigger than a lion. The tiger is also the second fastest cat in the run, after the citah. In the overall carnivore, the tiger is the largest…revia (37)in identity • 7 years agofamily cardThe Family Card is a Family Identity Card which contains data on the arrangement, relationships and number of family members. Family cards must be owned by every family. This card contains complete…revia (37)in farmers • 7 years agoKisah seorang petaniInilah kisah seorang petani, hidup dan berjuang di suatu negeri, yang kerja keras petang dan pagi, menggantung harap mengais rezeki. Tanah yang subur luas membentang, siap digarap pagi…revia (37)in cat • 7 years agomeongJenis hewan pemburu membutuhkan banyak energi. Makanya kucing butuh tidur yang banyak untuk menggantikan energinya yang hilang. Meski saat ini, energinya lebih banyak dihabiskan untuk bermain.…revia (37)in food • 7 years agoKue khas acehMakanan ini sangat baik bagi kesehatan selain tanpa bahan pengawet dan cara pembuatannya pun masih sangat tradisional tanpa adanya campur tangan mesin dalam pengaduannya. Dan kue ini sangat…revia (37)in red • 7 years agored wineRed grape fruit is basically not much different from green wine, it's just red wine is usually processed and used as the main ingredient to make red wine. In addition to having a good taste…revia (37)in hot • 7 years agohot water poolHot Water Simpang Balik is a famous hot water pool located at Simpang Balik Regency of Bener Meriah, about 15 km from North Takengon, and 8 km from Redelong City. Hot water pool is always busy…revia (37)in eidmubarak • 7 years agoSalam hari rayaSELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1439 H تَقَبَلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ صِيَامَنَا وَصِيَامَكُمْ وَكُلُّ عَامٍِ بِخَيْرٍ مِنَ العَائِدَيْنِ وَالفَائِزِيْنَ Semoga kita semua termasuk orang2 yg…revia (37)in zakat • 7 years agoZakat fitrahZakat Fitrah is the obligatory self-charity of every individual Muslim man and woman who is capable with the conditions set. The word Fitrah which refers to the human condition when newly created…revia (37)in month • 7 years agoLailatul QadarThe night of Lailatul Qadar is a glorious night. The virtues offered tonight include angels descending to Earth and giving intercession to those who have always lived the Lailatul Qadar. God will…revia (37)in kanji • 7 years agoKanji rumbiKanji Rumbi is a kind of porridge with a unique flavor in Aceh province, similar to chicken porridge sold in other parts of Indonesia. Kanji rumbi cooked with a main ingredient of rice and spices as…revia (37)in zakat • 7 years agoZakatPaying zakat is one part of the main principle of Muslims. In Pillars of Islam, paying zakat occupies the third place after saying the shahada and performing the prayer. There are certain criteria…revia (37)in sahur • 7 years agoSahurIn undergoing fasting, some things Shari'a is offered when fasting. One of them is Sahur. Eating sahur certainly can provide energy to us, especially in the first days of fasting. say Prophet…revia (37)in nuzul • 7 years agoNuzul Qur'anNuzulul Qur'an which literally means the descent of the Qur'an is a term that refers to the important events of the decline of the Qur'an as a whole descended from Lauhul Mahfuzh to Baitul 'Izzah in…revia (37)in decorative • 7 years agoIkan hiasIkan hias adalah jenis ikan baik yang berhabitat di air tawar maupun di laut yang dipelihara bukan untuk konsumsi melainkan untuk memperindah ruang tamu. Biasanya ikan hias di pajang didalam…revia (37)in creative • 7 years agoused bottlesUsed goods are often scattered at home? Do not worry and do not bother. Because these used goods you can use as a craft. Not only help you in cleaning up the used goods, but also can provide…revia (37)in kolang • 7 years agoKolang kalingKolang kaling is the name of elongated snack that is oval and transparent white and has a refreshing taste. Kolang kaling which is in Dutch called glibbertjes which literally means "small slippery…revia (37)in fasting • 7 years agomaintain balanceBreaking the fast with a balanced meal is important because the food that fills the stomach during breaks will help fast the next day. Ramadan is an opportunity to cultivate good and healthy…