BlogHide Resteemsrojia3254 (13)in helth • 7 years agoEXAMINATION OF RETINAL FUNCTIONTHEfunctional examination of the eye consists of testing the acuity of the forms of visual perception which have already been mentioned- the light sense, the colour sense, and the form sense. They…rojia3254 (13)in health • 7 years agoTUMOURS OF THE RETINA(Diseases of the eye)Retinoblastoms used to be commonly known as "glioma" retinae; malignant prolferations of neuroglia such as occur in the brain and optic nerve, are very rare in the eetina. The usual malignant…rojia3254 (13)in health • 7 years agoTUMOURS OF THE RETINA(Diseases of the eye)Retinoblastoms used to be commonly known as "glioma" retinae; malignant prolferations of neuroglia such as occur in the brain and optic nerve, are very rare in the eetina. The usual malignant…rojia3254 (13)in life • 7 years agoTUMOURS OF THE RETINA(Diseases of the eye)Retinoblastoms used to be commonly known as "glioma" retinae; malignant prolferations of neuroglia such as occur in the brain and optic nerve, are very rare in the eetina. The usual malignant…rojia3254 (13)in life • 7 years agoPunctulity of humanPunctuality means to be in time. Time is precious. Once it is lost, it is lost ever. So we must do all our works in time. We should be neither behind time nor ahead of time. A man who has devotion…rojia3254 (13)in life • 7 years agoImmortalitymany have wondered and pondered on the question that why at all think of God. why does the thought of God arise in man?Is it inherent in man to think about a Creator? Yes,it is. Mother nature wants…rojia3254 (13)in bitcoin • 8 years agoMultiple of oneWe are in a world which is as beautiful as it could be. The marvelous variety of life-forms, the sun rice, the sun set , the soothing glow of the moon, the sky and the stars are in absolute harmony…rojia3254 (13)in life • 8 years agoEgo , The Name is ManSince time immemorial people have been falling in love . When one falls in love one gets intoxicated, even to the extaent of forgetting one's immediate surround-ings . Love is a heardy potion.. One…rojia3254 (13)in science • 8 years agoThe Action of Drugs on the Intra-ocular MusculatureDrugs are so frequently emplyed in ophthalmic practice for the purpose of dilating or constricting the pupils or paralysing the accommodation, that it is important to know exactly how they act.…rojia3254 (13)in bitcoin • 8 years agoTangible CreatorThe marvelous and vast universe consists of mostly matter and space and a lot of it is known and understood by scientists of the world today. What is not known is the opposite of matter. We may call…rojia3254 (13)in steemit • 8 years agoEvolution of MindNature had definite intent in bringing forth civilisation of mankind. To civilise human society was a scheme of nature. It was not accidental or without a purpose. Man does not put in effort to…rojia3254 (13)in steemit • 8 years agoPURPOSE OF LIFEThe universe is as old as it should be It could not have been any older or younger than what it is . Scientists say it is about 15 billion years old and began with a big bang. Whatever be the age…rojia3254 (13)in life • 8 years agoGeneral instruction fundamentals of healthTheese general instruction are written for attending the core andfundamentals of health maintenance.Implementing these directions is expected to improve general health, immunity and feeling of well…rojia3254 (13)in bitcoin • 8 years agoTOBASCCO AND SMOKINGTobacco Has been In use in many nations for hundreds of years. when the sanish seaman Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocen in the year 1492 A.D he really was hoping to find…rojia3254 (13)in steem • 8 years agoFoods That Fight CancerOnece a rare disease, cancer is now widespread, affecting large numbers in all the nations. The rise in cancer has paralleled the rise infactory farming and use of processed foods containing…rojia3254 (13)in crypto • 8 years agoprevent cancerUnhealthy life styles and exposures to cancer causing chemicals are important, but not the exclusive causes of cancer. There are many other known and unknown factors initiating the cancer…rojia3254 (13)in history • 8 years agoTHE HIP JOINT AND PELVISRadiograph of the hip-joints of a girl age 6, showing stunted development of the head and neek of the left femar following unsuccessful attempts to reduce a congenital…rojia3254 (13)in steem • 8 years agoTHE LUMBAR AND LUMBO-SACRAL REGIONSIt is possible that some of the irregularities of the jumbo-sacral region may be induced in this way. In another case, a girl of 11 who had been injured some month befor, the radiographs show…rojia3254 (13)in steem • 8 years agoThe Hand and wrist ''intrauterine life''Radiographs of the hand may furnish the observer with much informatrion as to the age of the patient, the presence of familial or congenital deformities, chondro and osseous dystrophies, foreign…rojia3254 (13)in steem • 8 years agoMy lovely nice pet but i can not know it found your eyes!It is now two months white and brawn pet cat.I recive it from Barasat.Igive it food very lite and milk. When I com from work's place it becomes very happy and wags its tail. The name of the cat is…