Evolution of Mind

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Nature had definite intent in bringing forth civilisation of mankind.
To civilise human society was a scheme of nature. It was not accidental or without a purpose. Man does not put in effort to ponder over this reasoning and leisurely takes civilisation as just a happening. A happening it is but not without intent on the part of nature. Civilisation was to revolutionise the rational animal, called man, from a brute force of destruction to a man who would form a cohesive society of tolerance, love and compassion. As time went by man evolved more and more to lose his animal volatility and acquire traits of calmness. It was nature's design. Natural evlution worked to ensure this.
Modern man began to lay down laws of governance for the society. This process curtailed the aggressive postures of different races and deterred humans from extreme volatility. Gradually, the transformed societies became law-abiding and developed respect for the man-made laws. Laws set by man were to achieve a goal as per nature's evolutionary design. The law of evolution was working in its own way effortlessly without man realising the same. Man does not wait to ponder over these thoughts and thinks that all happenings are just a result to human effort. Yes , it is beacause of human effort but the humans put in effort to civilise themselves because that is the way the evolutionary process had already planned it. It could not have been in any other way .To think that man or happenings connected with man could have evolved in any other way is to tell nature that she has acted wrongly. Nature is always right and always acts rightly. Because nature is right so man is on the scene. Had nature been wrong or acted otherwise then man would not have evolved and I would not be writing this book or mode of expression.
The evolutionary process has changed the ancient brawny man to a modern brainy man. Civilisation would lead to the faster evollution of the mind than of the physical body. In the last 50,000 years outer physical evolution has almost become stagnant. The mind is evolving at a very rapid pace. In the last 3000 years the mind has evolved at super fast speed but the outer physical evolution has almost stopped. The lightening speed at which the mind has evolved is an indication that the evolution of the mind, the intangible, has ovrtakin the tangible evolution, that is the physical body. This is a step forward towards the ultimate realisation of man to meet the intangible Creator. The highly evolved intangible mind is evolving ever faster without any hindrance or stoppage to leap ahead of the evolution of the physical body, to keep rushing at lightening speed to meet its Creator, the intangible one. 14598326537_226d249be1_n.jpg

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This reminds me of the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Have you ever read it?

no, I have't read it.