BlogHide Resteemsresteemedirawandedy (80)in hive-153970 • 3 months agoHope Contest: What is Your Vision for Steem’s Future by the End of 2024?Dears Steemians...! In an ongoing effort to promote Power-Ups and encourage users to join club100, club75, and club5050, thereby enhancing club status through regular initiatives, I remain…safridafatih (72)in hive-153970 • 3 months agoThe Diary Game, 13 Desember 2024 || Sakitnya melihat nya Sakit 🥺ASSALAMUALAIKUM Hai sahabat steemian hebat dimana pun anda berada ☺️. Sehat dan bahagia selalu untuk kita semua 🤲💪. Hari kesebelas aku melihat buah hatiku terbaring. Kadang dia meronta…resteemedwaterjoe (79)in hive-179384 • 3 months agoShopping Hobby ContestHi Steemian wherever you are, greetings As a means of producing quality content in an effort to explore your abilities as an author who is able to rewrite every daily purchase that has been…resteemedteukuipul87 (74)in hive-103393 • 3 months agoCreativewriting || Perjalanan HidupkuAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Salam sahabat steemean Sahabat, admin dan segenap moderator komunitas tercinta. Pada kesempatan hari ini aku akan menceritakan kisah perjalanan…resteemedasiahaiss (76)in hive-103393 • 3 months agoThe Diary Game : Got A Plenty Of Meals & Souvenirs From Bali From Our Prettiest Boss (Oct., 3rd 2024)We got a plenty of meals & souvenirs from The Island of Gods, Bali from our lovely boss Hi my beloved Steemian ☺️. How's everything ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all of your du'a this year.…safridafatih (72)in hive-103393 • 3 months agoThe Diary Game, 1 Desember 2024 || Menjenguk anak sepupuASSALAMUALAIKUM Hai sahabat steemian hebat dimana pun anda berada ☺️. Sehat dan bahagia selalu untuk kita semua 🤲💪. Pagi hari ini aku bangun pada pukul lima lewat sepuluh menit. Usai…resteemeddederanggayoni (72)in hive-168072 • 3 months agoThe Diary Game Contest#61 : Celebrating Teachers' Day at school and enjoying the beach (Tuesday, 11-25-2024)Hai Steemian Tercinta, bagaimana kabarmu, smoga semua berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan ya !!! Pagi hari merupakan awal hari yang baru, berkah baik, harapan indah. Merupakan hari yang…resteemedbahrol (69)in hive-188972 • 3 months agoGo to the heart clinic at Cut Meutia Hospital for treatmentMY TRAVEL ASSALAMUALAIKUM Hari Jumat menjadi hari yang penuh berkah bagi ummat Islam, karena hari ini semua ummat Islam akan melaksanakan salt Jumat di setiap Masjid. Pada pagi hari…resteemedruthjoe (76)in hive-168072 • 3 months agoContest| "Tell your story" #24Hello ladies It's tell your story time!! But before we go into this week's episode of tell your story, I would like to briefly explain to those who are new what tell your story contest is all…resteemedm-fdo (75)in hive-168072 • 3 months ago✏️Photo of the Week Contest 19 | 📷 Share your best Photo of the Week || ✷ Booming Vote + 6 STEEM Power Prize Pool ✷Image Created By Pics art App Hi, my friends how are you?. Hope you are all well. I'm fine too. So today I have taken a wonderful contest with a lot of rewards in this community. It means that…resteemedliasteem (75)in hive-168072 • 3 months agoCommenting Contest; Take Your Photography and Comment!/ Eps. 08Hello all Steem For Ladies friends... Edited on Canva There are so many arts and also lessons that we can take in life. There are many talents, art to work that we really like.…safridafatih (72)in hive-168072 • 3 months agoThe Diary Game, 30 November 2024 || Persiapan ujian Semester GanjilASSALAMUALAIKUM Hai sahabat steemian hebat dimana pun anda berada ☺️. Sehat dan bahagia selalu untuk kita semua 🤲💪. Pagi hari ini aku kembali beraktivitas seperti biasanya. Azan subuh…resteemedharyanto91 (62)in hive-103393 • 3 months agoThe diary game:jum'at 29 november 2024|aktivitas di hari jum'at berkahthe diary game jum'at, 29 november 2024 Assallamualaikum wr wb, Hai teman-teman steemit gimana kabar nya hari ini baik-baik saja kan,alhammdulillah kalau saya baik dan di hari ini awali…resteemedbahrol (69)in hive-179384 • 3 months ago1 Suara Menentukan Nasib Bangsa Selama 5 TahunMY POST ASSALAMUALAIKUM Negara demokrasi adalah negara yang memiliki sistem Pemerintahan tertinggi di tangan rakyat, sistem ini tidak lepas dari Negara Indonesia yang mana rakyat…resteemedabduhawab (79)in hive-144064 • 3 months agoStreet Photography : Harvest TimeOne fine day, I had a walk to a countryside. There, I found some peasants were harvesting rice crop with traditional method, a common activity that we found during the harvest season in the most…resteemedsultan-aceh (80)in hive-185836 • 3 months agoMacrophotography - The Beauty of Curly Mushrooms in the Aceh ForestThe Beauty of Curly Mushrooms in the Aceh Forest Tonight, I will show you again the type of mushroom that in its growth condition becomes curly, in the title Kendahan Jamur Keriting di hutan…resteemedmuzack1 (78)in hive-140292 • 3 months agoActivist-diarygame||Aktivitas dan kehidupan disekitarnya, 27 November 2024resteemedulfatulrahmah (70)in hive-185836 • 3 months agoFor the sake of my father, I fight anxiety and always remain enthusiasticWelcome to Ulfatulrahmah Diary Game. A happy morning, even though a little sad The trauma of riding a motorbike still lingers in my heart. But what can I do, for the sake of my…safridafatih (72)in hive-120861 • 3 months agoEconomic Diary Game, 29 November 2024 || Bang Fathur kembali ke Pesantren dan membeli kebutuhan nyaASSALAMUALAIKUM Hai sahabat steemian hebat dimana pun anda berada ☺️. Sehat dan bahagia selalu untuk kita semua 🤲💪. Pagi hari ini aku terbangun sebagai mana biasanya. Usai mengerjakan…resteemedulfatulrahmah (70)in steemexclusive • 3 months agoMY TOP PICKS | 3 UNIQUE AUTHORS TO BE SUPPORTED | EDITION 17Selamat datang di top post seharian saya. Saya bukan lah siapa-siapa di Platform Steemit ini, Saya bukan lah seorang moderator komunitas atau orang hebat di Platform Steemit, Banyak hal yang saya…