BlogHide Resteemssharesteemit (43)in cn • 7 years ago你比亞迪了嗎?Building Your Dreams近期到中國大陸,印象最深刻的已經不是鋪天蓋地的行動支付,或是新穎的硬體建築與設施,而是到處都可以看到也可以方便搭乘的BYD(比亞迪, Build Your Dreams, 港交所代號:1211.HK, 深交所代號:002594.SZ…sharesteemit (43)in cn-money • 8 years agoETH 💰$ETHEREUM Is in such a nice up trend/ $乙太幣目前正在良好的上升趨勢$ETHEREUM is in such a nice up trend. Are we going to see 400$ again before the end of October? I hope so! $乙太幣目前正在良好的上升趨勢。 我們在10月底之前再次看到400美元嗎? 但願如此!sharesteemit (43)in cn-money • 8 years ago☝Amazon finally takes over $WFM/ 亞馬遜終於接管了全食超市$AMZN (Amazon) finally takes over $WFM (Whole Foods Market Inc) and as the first day of business reduces prices. They're getting into great position to rival other grocers such as $WMT (Wal-Mart)…sharesteemit (43)in cn-money • 8 years ago🕶 亞馬遜出手 零售業重挫「剉著等」亞馬遜(Amazon, NASDAQ:AMZN)再次展開驚人之舉,2017年6月16日以137億美元收購美國天然與有機食品通路全食超市(Whole Foods Market, NASDAQ:…resteemedgmt117 (57)in cn • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.跟我一起旅行🚙參觀捷克共和國美麗的OLOMOUC😻🏫你們中有許多人訪問了我的國家 - 捷克 ?這是一個真正美麗的地方參觀!大多數遊客只能去布拉格,但也有其他小城鎮,美麗的建築物,廣場,教堂等不錯的地方。 捷克共和國不僅是布拉格,也是訪問奧洛穆茨 城市 Olomouc 位於捷克共和國東部,實際上是第六大城市,但相當小 - 人口只有10萬居民。 我想和大家分享一些我上次訪問過的照片 Olomouc…sharesteemit (43)in cn-money • 8 years ago💠ETF本身是一個泡沫?ETF不是泡沫的根本,而是自始自終操作ETF的人們是一群羊。 17世紀時,荷蘭的鬱金香泡沫是由於人們的瘋狂與失控。「泡沫」是源自於人們心中的投機與貪念,帶著賭徒的心態想要一夕致富,短時間的獲取暴利。 ( ETF年平均周轉率高達800%以上…sharesteemit (43)in cn-money • 8 years ago💓巴菲特爺爺的新歡是?Who is Warren Buffett's New Lover?巴菲特爺爺最近很忙,煩惱口袋中幾億美元要去哪裡投資,我怎麼沒有相同煩惱呢??想要收購美國最大電力傳輸公司 Oncor 電力供應商但競爭對手眾多,陷入Oncor爭奪戰;此外,在2017年第二季度持股大有調整,大舉出清通用電氣公司(General Electric Co., GE),拋售了1,060萬股通用電氣股票,截至3月31日,這些股份價值約3.15億美元;右手持股原本為GE…sharesteemit (43)in money • 8 years ago🤖 什麼是交易機器人?What is Robot Trader?交易機器人就是自動交易系統,廣泛運用在廣大的外匯世界裡, 交易機器人嚴格使用技術與信號執行交易,讓人們可以悠閒的躺在海灘上賺錢 ,享受生活。 In the forex world, A “Robot Trader” is an auto trading program that strictly uses technical analysis and signals to enter…resteemedgmt117 (57)in art • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.🎨 Chini Gallery 采泥藝術 & 📷Come See Art With Me #3This is third part of my Come See Art With Me series. As a continuation to the series it features what I've seen at the Kaohsiung Today 港都國際藝術博覽會 International Art Fair in Taiwan. The…resteemedgmt117 (57)in colorchallenge • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Amazing fireworks shooting out from the Taipei 101 - ColorChallenge Green ThursdayThe New Year's fireworks shooting out from the Taipei101 tower are world famous and thousands of people come watch it every year! It is indeen an amazing sight to see. canon 50d w/ tokina…sharesteemit (43)in cn • 8 years ago🏡💸買REITs收租的眉眉角角 | Get REITs Get Rich?不可否認由於投資房地產有著月月收租的特性令人安心,許多人養房防老,養個啞巴兒子來照顧自己,年輕時自住,年老時收租。但如果想要年輕時就收租呢? 不動產證券化 Real Estate Investment Trust, REIT…resteemedgmt117 (57)in cesky • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.📸🎨🏆 Pojďte se mnou na výstavu - Caves Art Center - 敦煌藝術中心 - Kaohsiung Art FairV předchozím článku o výstavě Kaohsiung Art Fair na jihu Taiwanu jse již zmínil základní informace o této výstavě, pokud jste to nečetli, najdete to zde: 📷 📸🎨🏆 Výstava umění Kaohsiung Today…resteemedgmt117 (57)in steemitphotochallenge • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.📷 SteemitPhotoChallenge #50 - Long Exposure - Entry 1: Golden RainThis is my first time joining the Steemit Photo Challenge. The #SteemitPhotoChallenge is organized every week by @jamtaylor - you can follow him to see the topic he chooses and read all the…resteemedgmt117 (57)in steemitphotochallenge • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.📷 SteemitPhotoChallenge #50 - Long Exposure - Entry 2: Busy NightThis is my second entry for the #SteemitPhotoChallenge competition No.50 and the topic is Long Exposure . The rules for the competition are posted by @jamtaylor. Busy Night Taipei is…resteemedgmt117 (57)in cesky • 8 years agoInvestice do Steem Power přes PoloniexJednou z možností, jak si vylepšit Steem Power je nakoupit si STEEM a udělat si Power Up. Zhruba před dvěma měsícema jsem se snažil obchodovat s různými altcoins na Poloniex. Což teda bylo…resteemedgmt117 (57)in cesky • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Nikdo nic neví....Nikdo nic neví. - To je věta kterou byste si měli napsat na post-it papírek a přilepit vedle monitoru pokud se věnujete obchodování. Několik traderů které sleduji to mají jako hlavní pravidlo, i…resteemedgmt117 (57)in art • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Come See Art With Me 📷 - Kaohsiung Art Fair #2 🎨 - Caves Art Center 敦煌藝術中心This is a second article about the art I've shot at the Kaohsiung Art Fair in Taiwan. If you haven't read my first article you can do so here: 📷 Kaohsiung International Art Fair #1 Venue . The…sharesteemit (43)in cn • 8 years ago💡💰📌高息澳幣(A$)!要買要賣怎知道?提到澳洲,總是直覺地想到袋鼠、無尾熊,還有著名的藍光螢火蟲洞,此外,澳洲為著名的原物料大國,各項天然資源豐富,為全球最大的煤礦出口國,鋁、鎳、金、鋅、鈾礦、鐵礦砂等產量皆居全球前3名,亦富藏石油與天然氣等資源;此外,農牧業發達,小麥、羊毛、棉花產量豐富,農、礦產品外銷約占全澳洲出口總值80%;不僅如此,澳洲在科技研發、生技醫學、金融等創新領域上也十分發達,吸引眾多外來人口與商業投資;兩百年前的英國resteemedgmt117 (57)in steemit • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.👾👾 How to easily use smilies in your posts and titles 👾👾You've probably seen other users here on Steemit to use cute icons in their post titles, comments, and posts. It's quite nice and brings an attention to the post. It's also actually very easy to…sharesteemit (43)in cn • 8 years ago🍴 🥂🍴 晚餐吃什麼?What's for Dinner?今天晚餐我煮,我吃: 蜂蜜沙茶芥末鱈魚義大利麵 I made Honey mustard & BBQ sauce codfish Spaghetti tonight. 花椰菜、水蓮、紅胡蘿、鱈魚、甜菜根,外加蜂蜜沙茶芥末! Summer nights are made for refreshing, broccoli, carrot, water lilies, beet…