BlogHide Resteemsside33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months ago抑郁症抑郁症是一种严重的心理疾病,记住,是病。是病。是病(重要的事情说三遍!)并且按照基础的临床诊断分为轻度抑郁症、中度抑郁症和重度抑郁症。 在生理层面,根据医学角度的神经生化的不同假说,常见的有5HT(五羟色胺),DA(多巴胺),NE(去甲肾上腺素),GAGB(伽马氨基丁酸),同理因为有如此的假说和模型,所以就有此类原理的抗抑郁药物。…side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months ago辣椒辣椒原产于中美洲和南美洲的北部。它于马铃薯、番茄、烟草等美洲作物一样,属于茄科植物。辣椒还有个早期的名字,是在中国内的名字——辣茄。辣椒属于茄科辣椒属。side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months agoEat oranges in the bath关于洗澡的差异,我在国内的朋友习惯晚上洗澡,尤其是在运动完过后,等待半个小时去冲凉,最舒服了。据我所知,关于何时洗澡,国内外还有不同的习惯,有的地方的人喜欢在早上洗澡,能够立马精神起来,一天的活力就打开了。 我也是不久之前才知道还有早上洗澡的习惯,至少在中国,我们都是睡前洗个热腾腾的热水澡。…side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months ago火锅火锅,古称“古董羹”。因食物投入沸水时发出的“咕咚”声而得名,是中国独创的美食之一,是一种老少皆宜的食物烹饪方式。火锅不仅是一种烹饪方式,也是一种文化的象征。…side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months agochina food NanJingside33 (25)in china • 11 months agoNanjing, China cuisineIn the afternoon, I walked into the store hungry and was pleasantly surprisedside33 (25)in chinakungfu • 11 months agozhanzhuang,standing poseStanding pile is a unique training of Chinese martial arts, is a major feature of Chinese martial arts different from Western martial arts, looking at Western martial arts, it basically focuses on…side33 (25)in hive-180301 • 11 months agoGuizhou spicy chicken这是常见的中国菜,你是我最喜欢的菜香辣可口的辣鸡,上面放了很多胡椒粉,下面放了一小块鸡肉side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months agoTai Chirefers to the initial unity of the universe. Kong Yingda, an economist at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, mentioned in Zhou Yi justice: "Taiji means that before the heaven and earth were separated…side33 (25)in hive-180932 • 11 months ago中国武术x中华武术因儒法防民的关系,形成“传统军械武术”“传统徒手武术”两大类。传统军武是指刀剑(击剑)、摔跤(柔道)、弓弩(射箭)、石锁(举重)、马术(赛马)等武举考试项目。传统军械武术跟传统徒手武术无关,跟现代奥运会相接近。而现在被称为“传统武术”的各种徒手武术流派在古代属于五花八门的“江湖大师”和农民斗术。空手道的前身“首里手”和“那霸手”就是琉球农民对付日本人的斗殴技术。然而传统和现代未必互斥。日side33 (25)in hive-182834 • 11 months agoRebirth.This is a fictional character I've imagined, but his cultural background is indispensable. I believe every painting is closely tied to the cultural context of its creator's homeland. The character…