BlogHide Resteemssoeminphyo (41)in facebook • 8 years ago【 ေဆာင္းပါး 】 ငါးပြက္ရာငါးစာခ်ေနသူတို႔ အတုယူစရာ ေျမတိုင္ကန္ရြာ【 ေဆာင္းပါး 】 ငါးပြက္ရာငါးစာခ်ေနသူတို႔ အတုယူစရာ ေျမတိုင္ကန္ရြာ ခင္ႏွင္းဦး ပရဟိတမ်ားလုပ္ေနသည့္ လူငယ္တစ္ဦးႏွင့္ ၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွစ္ခန္႔ က စတင္ သိကၽြမ္း ခဲ့ပါသည္။ ထိုစဥ္က သူသည္ ေတာင္ကိုရီးယားသို႔ ၅ ႏွစ္…soeminphyo (41)in love • 8 years agoလူသားအလ်င္းခ်င္းခ်စ္ခင္ႏိုင္ၾကပါေစလူတစ္ေယာက္က သူ႔ရဲ႕ကားအသစ္ကို ေပါလစ္တိုက္ေနပါတယ္၊ အဲဒီအခ်ိန္မွာ သူ႔ရဲ႕(၆)ႏွစ္အရြယ္ သမီးေလးဟာ ဝက္အူလွည့္နဲ႔ ကားရဲ့ေဘးျခမ္းမွာ ျခစ္လုိက္တယ္။ သူေတာ္ေတာ္စိတ္ဆိုးသြားျပီး သူ႔သမီးေလးရဲ႕လက္ကို သတိမထားမိပဲ…soeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years agoျမန္မာလူငယ္မ်ားအတြက္ အလုပ္အကိုင္အခြင့္အလမ္းအလုပ္ခြင္ဝင္ေနေသာလူငယ္မ်ားကိုေအာက္ပါအသက္ေမြးပညာမ်ား သင္ၾကားႏုိင္ေသာလက္ေတြ ့ကြ်မ္းက်င္လုပ္သက္၅ႏွစ္ရိွသူမ်ား [email protected] သို ့CV ပို ့ပါ။…soeminphyo (41)in profile • 8 years agoMyanmar Engineers Profile Picture Campaign (Facebook post)Myanmar Professional Engineers Group (The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar) and Engineers Union support the fair promotion campaign of Technological Teachers who are working in…soeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years agoMyanmar Version of the following will be posted.We will arrange the meetings to form the association which is parallel to MES/MEC. To be aligned with International Engineers Associations such as The Institution of Civil Engineers, The Institution…soeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years agoAbout Myanmar EngineersThe steps to form the new engineers association Firstly organise the meeting with your friends in various engineering groups to discuss the following aims and objectives of the association…soeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years agoRice balls with coconut dressingRice balls with coconut dressing Rice balls with coconut dressing is a traditional Myanmar food from Myeik, the southern region of Myanmar. It is usually stuffed with palm sugar and peanut. The…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoLentil Soup (Myanmar)Lentil Soup  Original Myanmar Lentil soup does not includes carrot, potatoes and bean vermicelli. But if you want to add, you can. Lentil soup is sweet and tasty. Mostly Myanmar curries go…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoThiri Mingalar Pagoda (Loikaw ,Kayah State Myanmar)သီရိမဂၤလာ ေတာင္ကြဲေစတီ လိြဳင္ေကာ္ဟုဆိုလိုက္လွ်င္ ေတာင္ကဲြေစတီ ႏွင့္တဲြကာသိၾကသည္ျဖစ္သျဖင့္ ေတာင္ကဲြေစတီသည္လိြဳင္ေကာ္၏ပံုရိပ္ပင္ျဖစ္သည္။ "သမီးရည္းစားစံုတဲြအတူဖူးလွ်င္ ကဲြတတ္သည္" ဟူေသာ…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoLoikaw City (Kayah State Of Myanmar)"လိြဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕ " --------–-------______________ လိြဳင္ေကာ္ၿမိဳ႕သည္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၏ တစ္စိတ္တစ္ေဒသျဖစ္ေသာ ကယားျပည္နယ္၏ ၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ဘီလူးေခ်ာင္းအေနာက္ဘက္႐ွိ ေတာင္ကေလးကိုအစဲြျပဳကာ…soeminphyo (41)in khyar • 8 years agoDiary Of BiLuu Stream (Loikaw Khyar State Myanmar)ဘီလူးေခ်ာင္း ဒ႑ာရီပုံျပင္ ................................ ဘီလူးေခ်ာင္းႀကီးသည္ ႐ွမ္းျပည္နယ္ ေတာင္ပိုင္း၊ ပင္ေလာင္းၿမိဳ႕မွ ကယားျပည္နယ္ဘက္ကို အရိွန္ေကာင္းေကာင္းႏွင့္ ခရီးႏွင္ခဲ့ရာ ၊…soeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years agoPork Curry With Pone-Yay-Gyi (Myanmar Food)Pork Curry with Pone-Yay-Gyi This is a very original Myanmar recipe cooked with Pone-Yay-Gyi paste, a traditional Myanmar ingredient. You can get a fresh Pone-Yay-Gyi paste when you are in…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoKachin Chicken CurryKachin Chicken Curry Kachin Chicken Curry is a famous indigenous Kachin curry. It is also one of my favorite curries. The chicken is cooked with praew leaves. Some recipes use bamboo shoot and…soeminphyo (41)in miss • 8 years agoMiss BurmaMiss Burma Book Book details ● Author : Charmaine Craig ● Pages : 368 pages ● Publisher : Grove Press 2017-05-02 ● Language : English ● ISBN-10 : 0802126456 ● ISBN-13 : 9780802126450 My…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoBeautiful Image Of Shan State MyanmarImage Of Shan State Myanmarsoeminphyo (41)in myanmar • 8 years ago“ ကင္မရာေကာင္းမြန္ၿပီး ျမန္မာက်ပ္ေငြ (2) သိန္းဝန္းက်င္ရွိတဲ့ စမတ္ဖုန္း (5) မ်ိဳး ”မႏွစ္က ကမာၻ႔အႏွံ႔အျပားမွာရွိတဲ့ ဖုန္းအသံုးျပဳသူ 2 ဘီီလီယံကို စစ္တမ္းေကာက္ယူခဲ့တာမွာ စမတ္ဖုန္းအသံုးျပဳသူ 90 ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္းေက်ာ္က ဓါတ္ပံု႐ိုက္ဖို႔အတြက္ အဓိကရည္ရြယ္ၿပီး အဲ့ဒီထဲကမွ 80 ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္းက…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoMUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF MYANMARMyanmar Travel Information 2017 A "harp" is called Saung in Myanmar. There basically was 2 types: Byat Saung and Saung Gauk (bent harp). There almost is nobody who can play byat saungs these days.…soeminphyo (41)in food • 8 years agoMyanmar Tranditional Food (Mote-Hin-Gar)Noodle with Fish Soup (Mote Hin Gar) In Myanmar, Noodle with Fish Soup is known as Mote Hin Gar. Mote means Noodle. And Hin Gar means soup. Mote Hin Gar is one of favourite breakfasts in…soeminphyo (41)in travelling • 8 years agoTravelling To Kachin State Of MyanmarKachin State is the northernmost state of Myanmar. It is bordered by China to the north and east; Shan State to the south; and Sagaing Division and India to the west. It lies between north latitude…soeminphyo (41)in steemit • 8 years agoDiversity Of (7)Rivers In Myanmar Country ----------------------------------------------Diversity Of (7)Rivers In Myanmar Country English Version (1) The Irrawaddy River Irrawaddy River basin (413, 674 square kilometers), Myanmar (61) percent of the total area of coverage. The…