BlogHide Resteemsresteemedaellly (75)in steempress • 6 years ago请协助转发,支持患重病的老同学我是西瓜。在steemit 的时间有一年的时间了。我是一名水电工程施工员。这次替同学捐款。筹备给她治病的钱。 好心人点击 轻松筹 请救救这个年轻的妈妈。她今年才39岁。 这是个很不好的消息。 她是我的小学同学。她得了乳腺癌。生命很危险。 她花光了所有的积蓄。可是病还没有好转。她还是躺在医院。 她有5个孩子。4个女儿和1个儿子。…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【Day 9/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge and chirstmas dinner with my wife今天仍然进行力竭的平板支撑挑战,撑了2分半钟,已经看到坚持锻炼的功效了。现在来看,平板支撑实际上是肚子和屁股的较量,你要做的就是用腹肌控制屁股,不要让它撅起来。平板平板,要尽可能的平,才能看到腹肌上的板,哈哈!平板支撑活动的规则帖,请参考帖子: "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰 ]…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago我眼中的Partiko 20181994年,香港红磡体育场举办了中国摇滚乐势力的演唱会,在这场定义了中国摇滚音乐巅峰的演唱会上,何勇曾经用 “历史会证明这一切”这句著名的论断定义了中国摇滚乐。在这年终岁末,我也想用这一句话来形容Partiko对于steem区块链生态的意义:历史会证明这一切。…resteemedpartiko (66)in partiko • 6 years agoMerry Christmas! What a 2018 for Partiko!Hello Steemians and Partiko lovers, It's been an awesome year! We are so proud and fortunate to be able to serve such an amazing community, and we are so glad we managed to grow together! Thank…resteemedoracle-d (70)in steem • 6 years agoSupport Steemit & Other STEEM DApps on [Win Upvotes]Last week we Steemains got Steem Network and its DApps listed on State of the DApps . It's one of the most famous DApp directories out there. Now is the time to support our favorite STEEM DApps…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【Day 8/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge and talk about my travel plan看到很多板友已经不满足于1分钟挑战,纷纷上2分钟甚至更长。我也跃跃欲试,今天的平板支撑挑战做到力竭为止,做了2分钟左右,自己还算满意,腹部做完都在颤抖。这种挑战极限的锻炼方式效果更好,腹肌是最容易恢复的肌肉群,等到明天看看小肚腩的感觉吧。平板支撑活动的规则帖,请参考帖子: "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰…resteemedjoeypark (74)in steemmonsters • 6 years ago..starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【Day 7/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge with flower arrangement上周由于实在太忙,1分钟平板挑战断掉了。这周继续进行,希望@yanyanbebe别把我拉到黑名单里去呀。一个星期没有锻炼,做的时候感觉不到肌肉紧绷的感觉了,这样似乎并不太有锻炼效果,所以还是要坚持下去。 平板支撑活动的规则帖,请参考帖子: "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰 ]…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【新手学堂作业#26】@starrouge本周作业汇报Hello 大家好, 我是starrouge,一周一度的新手作业又到了提交的日子。本周完成作业项目如下: 1.【完成】一篇帖子收益超过1美金。 [【跨文化活动】聊聊西欧人民的仪式感 ]( 2.【完成】发布Dtube视频 【Day 6/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge with song '天空之城' 【Day 5/30 Days】1…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【跨文化活动】聊聊西欧人民的仪式感非常感谢阿朵@itchyfeetdonica举办的跨文化活动—(#156 庆祝周岁 + 来参加跨文化活动~送出35+ Steem!)[ 阿朵作为一个跨文化交流工作者和全球旅行者,在这方面有丰富的经验,与五大洲的不同人种交流,让我看着都非常羡慕,这的确是一笔宝贵的人生财富。…starrouge (54)in dtubesnapx • 6 years ago【Day 6/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge with song '天空之城'Hi, today is Sunday, and I'm going to continue my 1min Plank challenge. This time I bring a chinese song by a folk singer Li Zhi, the song is called "sky city", it is the same name with Miyazaki…starrouge (54)in dtubesnapx • 6 years ago【Day 5/30 Days】1 min PLANK Challenge with song 'l'aquoiboniste'Hi, today is Tuesday, and I'm going to continue my 1min Plank challenge. This time I still brings a French chanson (I love chanson).The song is called "l'aquoiboniste", which means "a man of no…resteemedmonkaydee293 (53)in contest • 6 years agoSTEEM GIVEAWAYHello Steemians, I want to start a giveaway where i will give 50 STEEM in total. This giveaway will start now and ends in exactly 7 days. What do you have to do?: upvote this post…starrouge (54)in cn • 6 years ago【新手学堂作业#25】@starrouge 本周作业汇报Hello 大家好, 我是starrouge,一周一度的新手作业又到了提交的日子。感谢@yanyanbebe的1min平板支撑挑战,本周帖子数量大幅增加。本周完成作业项目如下: 【完成】一篇帖子收益超过1.5美金。 本周共有三篇帖子收益超过1.5美金: 【吐槽小会】买虚拟货币,五年后再看看 Too beautiful to be a…resteemedjoeypark (74)in photography • 6 years agoLotte tower In Seoul (Resteem 👉 Your latest post to be Upvoted $0.25 👍)Hello, I'm Joey Park working on blockchain Industries. Today, I introduce a nice picture that was taken by @jinbtonic 7 months ago. I think She is most capable of taking photos in South Korea.…starrouge (54)in cn-curation • 6 years agoEnjoy Flamenco: the art closest to life / 探访佛拉明戈:最贴近生活的艺术My story of Flamenco begins with Carmen that I saw a few years ago. In the lobby on the first floor of the stage tavern, Carmen stretched her elegant arms, knocked on the tiles and danced to the…starrouge (54)in dtubesnapx • 6 years ago[Day 4/ 30 Days] 1 min PLANK challenge with song 'papillon'Hi, everyone. Today is Sunday. I will keep continue my 1 min plank challenge. Today's song is a French chanson called 'papillon', which means "butterfly" in English. This is the theme song of the…starrouge (54)in dtubesnapx • 6 years ago[Day 3/ 30 Days] 1 min PLANK challenge with song 'Le Tourbillon'Hi, everyone. Today is Saturday. I started a vigorous weekend morning with 1min plank challenge. Yesterday night Shanghai is so cold that even the water pipes are totally frozen. But now the…starrouge (54)in dtubesnapx • 6 years ago[Day 2/ 30 Days] 1 min PLANK challenge with song 'Encore une fois'Today, the temperature in Shanghai has dropped sharply. Although the temperature is as cold as the crypocurrency market, it can't stop my passion for 1min plank challenge. Begin with this video…starrouge (54)in dtubesnap • 6 years ago[Day 1/ 30 Days] 1 min PLANK challenge with big beard / 与大胡子一起挑战平板支撑Thank @yanyanbebe for inviting me to this 1 min plank challenge, each time I should overcome 1 min plank challenge with a whole period of 30 days, and this is the first day for me to have a try.…