BlogHide Resteemssunlon (27)in cn • 7 years ago20180701—区块链新闻评论据FCoin官网消息,FCoin将于2018年07月01日10:00在 FCoin创新区开放 FI/ETH…sunlon (27)in life • 7 years agoCommon sense of life and health (1)most sports are in the evening: 17:00--19:00 is the best and the temperature is suitable. pay attention to windbreak and keep warm before and after exercise. severe exercise can also cause…sunlon (27)in art • 7 years agoA beautiful landing door and window 漂亮的落地门窗A large French window is what many people yearn for, because the view is good and the scenery is good. And the door is on the ground, with a very open vision. The curved window at the top is…sunlon (27)in cn • 7 years ago广州珠江的河涌广州地处珠江三角洲,离珠江出海口不远,河流湖泊星罗棋布。河流的支流又称之为河涌,广州的河涌众多。图片上显示就是一条广州河涌,因为它离海并不是很远,可以看到明显的潮涨潮落。两张图片,中午那张是退潮,傍晚那张是涨潮。…sunlon (27)in photography • 8 years agoBaoan District Library of Shenzhen · light and shadow 深圳宝安区图书馆·光和影Capture the light and shadow of library buildings, and recreate the beautiful pictures of light and shadow. Beauty is everywhere, as long as there is a pair of eyes to see.…sunlon (27)in life • 8 years agomake a breakthroughWhen we give flowers to others, the first thing to smell is ourselves; when we grab mud and throw it at others, our hands are dirty first. Everyone is a seed, began to bud, the need to break through…sunlon (27)in life • 8 years agochoiceLife is a process of constant choice . The wise man is the one who knows what the choice is. The two most important thing in a person's life is to be able to choose and dare to give up. Many people…sunlon (27)in blockchain • 8 years agoConsensus mechanism of block chainThe consensus mechanism of block chain is an important component of block chain, which is related to the operation mode of block chain. Block chain consensus mechanism has the trend of more energy…sunlon (27)in cn • 8 years ago平凡的幸福/Ordinary happiness平凡的幸福 去感受晨风的和煦 去感觉朝阳的温暖 去看花开花落 那是无声的幸福 去辛勤地劳作 汗水能凝结幸福 享受生活的点点滴滴 每天的点滴中有幸福 感恩吧 感恩你现在拥有的 它们让你的生活更丰盛 感恩你失去的 感恩你曾经拥有它 感恩吧 感恩此刻的幸福 Ordinary happiness To feel the warm breeze To…sunlon (27)in cn • 8 years ago区块链的共识机制区块链的共识机制是区块链的重要组成部分,关系到区块链的运作方式。区块链共识机制有向更加节能,更加高效快速的方向发展的趋势。 POW Proof-Of-Work,工作量证明。 POW的核心要义为:算力越大,挖到块的概率越大,维护区块链安全的权重越大。相对其他共识机制而言,POW逻辑简单,容易实现,容错达50%,其安全有严格的数学论证。 POS…