BlogHide Resteemstefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agocaseum"These are calculations, which originate in the tonsils, are located in glands that are before the throat, can get to have a fairly large size, these calculations are formed, because food…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoTonsilolitos"Son cálculos, que se originan en las amígdalas, se ubican en unas glándulas que están antes de la garganta, pueden llegar a tener un tamaño bastante grande, estos cálculos se forman, debido a que…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoKinesiologiaQuesto è lo studio della scienza, che indaga i movimenti degli umani, questa pratica è usata per combattere malattie di varia origine, ma fondamentalmente è radicata nelle malattie muscolari e nelle…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoKinesiologyKinesiology This is the study of science, which investigates the movements of humans, this practice is used to combat diseases of various origins, but basically is rooted in muscle diseases and…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoKinesiologíaKinesiología Se trata del estudio de la ciencia, que investiga los movimientos de los humanos, esta práctica se utiliza para combatir enfermedades de varios orígenes, pero básicamente se arraiga…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoCervicalgiaSi chiama cervicalgia, dolore al collo, questa malattia può verificarsi a causa di cattiva postura, incidenti o traumi, disturbi visivi, malocclusione nella mascella, fratture vertebrali, infezioni…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoCrampoStato contrazione muscolare involontaria del collo, il suo sintomo principale è mal di testa e dolore al collo, questo è causato da una cattiva posizione prima di coricarsi, o qualche movimento che…tefygaby (39)in life • 7 years agoStiff neckState involuntary muscle contraction of the neck, its main symptom is headache and neck pain, this is caused by poor position at bedtime, or some movement that we did wrong. The treatments for…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoTortícolisEstado de contractura muscular involuntaria del cuello, su principal síntoma es dolor de cabeza y en el cuello, esto es causado, por mala posición a la hora de dormir, o algún movimiento que hicimos…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoDistorsioneÈ un tipo di lesione subita dai legamenti, che si trovano intorno alle articolazioni, i legamenti sono quel tipo di fibra che trattiene le ossa e danno movimento agli arti, le distorsioni si…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoSprainIt is a type of injury suffered by the ligaments, which are located around the joints, the ligaments are that type of fiber that hold the bones and give movement to limbs, sprains occur when the…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoEsguincesEs un tipo de lesión que sufren los ligamentos, que están ubicados a los alrededores de las articulaciones, los ligamentos son ese tipo de fibra que sujetan los huesos y le dan movimiento a…tefygaby (39)in mspsteem • 7 years agotrombosi venosaLa formazione di trombi venosi è definita come trombosi venosa, in altre parole coaguli di sangue, la conseguenza più grave è che questi coaguli tendono a staccarsi e viaggiare attraverso il flusso…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agovenous thrombosisVenous thrombus formation is defined as venous thrombosis, in other words, blood clots, the most serious consequence is that these clots tend to detach and travel through the bloodstream and lodge…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoTrombosis venosaSe define como trombosis venosa a las formaciones de trombos en las venas, en otras palabras, formaciones de coágulos de sangre, la consecuencia más grave es que estos coágulos tiendan a…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoCervicalgiaIt is called cervicalgia, pain in the neck, this disease can occur due to poor posture, accidents or trauma, visual disturbances, malocclusion in the jaw, vertebral fractures, infections, tumors…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoCervicalgiaSe llama cervicalgia, al dolor en el cuello, esta enfermedad se puede producir debido a la mala postura, accidentes o traumatismos, alteraciones en la vista, maloclusión en la mandibula, fracturas…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoOsteopathyOsteopathy is a therapeutic specialty, and was structured in the late nineteenth century, osteopathy consists of a medicine manually, and at the same time is alternative, is accented in massage…tefygaby (39)in health • 7 years agoLa osteopatíaLa osteopatía es una especialidad terapéutica, y fue estructurada a fines del siglo XIX, la osteopatía consiste en una medicina manualmente, y a la vez es alternativa, se acentúa en técnicas de…tefygaby (39)in esteem • 7 years agoSports physiotherapy what is its functionThis is the branch of physiotherapy that deals with, starting treatment for injuries suffered by the locomotion device in athletes, both for those who are in their infancy and professionals, this…