BlogHide Resteemsttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago景德镇手工制瓷技艺考古发掘表明,景德镇自五代开始生产瓷器,宋、元两代迅速发展,至明、清时在珠山设御厂,成为全中国的制瓷中心。 景德镇瓷业习俗是景德镇制瓷历史的重要组成部分。景德镇在宋代出现"村村窑火,户户陶埏"的景观,瓷业习俗已具雏形。…ttkk (31)in steemit • 2 months agoChinese Feng ShuiFeng Shui, this ancient and mysterious term, carries the wisdom and beliefs of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Literally speaking, “wind” represents the flowing air, the blending of the…ttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago狗狗的7种“奇怪”行为1:骑跨行为 相信主人都见过狗狗骑跨的行为,出名的是贵宾犬了,见狗就骑跨,甚至玩具和主人的腿都不放过。其实狗狗骑跨行为,不单单有性意味,还有解压、玩耍、证明地位等含义。 2:追着尾巴咬…ttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago美元指数暴跌美元指数DXY持续走低,现跌0.9%,英镑兑美元GBP/USD涨1%,欧元兑美元EUR/USD涨1.1%,纽元兑美元NZD/USD、澳元兑美元AUD/USD涨超1%,美元兑日元USD/JPY抹去日内涨势,现跌0.01%。 美国股指期货延续涨势,纳斯达克100指数期货涨约1%。欧股走高,德国DAX指数、法国CAC40指数等多个主要股指涨幅扩大至1%。…ttkk (31)in steemit • 2 months agoChinese parents come to America – No need to suffer, yet they find ways to make life difficult for themselves.Clearly, both of them have high blood pressure and high blood sugar, but they keep eating rice, porridge, and pickled vegetables. And! Even though they buy fresh carrots and other vegetables, they…ttkk (31)in steemit • 2 months agoThe Age of AI Has Arrived, Are You Ready?The age of AI has arrived. Should I start learning how to make friends with robots? After all, I might need them to order my coffee in the future, haha. But seriously, I'm really looking forward to…ttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago熬夜的宝子需多吃的8种食物ttkk (31)in steemit • 2 months agoAutumn and Winter Must-Drink | Apple Four-Gods Soup, Staying Youthful at 35+ All Thanks to ItThis soup is not only delicious but also helps to strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, promote digestion, calm the mind, and nourish the heart. It truly is an all-around health soup.…ttkk (31)in steemit • 2 months agoWhat is health maintenance?Health Maintenance in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health maintenance is a broad and profound concept. It not only concerns the physical maintenance of…ttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago6款已搭配好减肥减脂餐,1天掉1斤!减肥减脂的兄弟姐妹们大家上午好!目标每天瘦一斤,今天带来的是6款超级好吃又掉秤的减脂餐! 这个是真心推荐姐妹们一定要试一试的!看起来就太有食欲了,而且搭配的真的太全面了,完全不担心长肉,坚持吃能持续掉秤!但是兄弟姐妹们要注意不要因为太好吃了就吃太多哦~ 食材做法都总结在一起了,冲啊! 土豆香肠时蔬拌沙拉 牛油果泡菜香肠波奇碗 香煎三文鱼贝贝南瓜…ttkk (31)in hive-180932 • 3 months ago金丝楠木为什么贵金丝楠木之所以昂贵,主要原因包括其稀缺性、文化价值、外观特性和法律保护。…ttkk (31)in craft • 3 months agoSuzhou Embroidery: One of the Four Famous Chinese EmbroideriesSuzhou embroidery, known as one of China’s "Four Famous Embroideries," boasts a long history and rich cultural heritage. Renowned for its exquisite, delicate craftsmanship and unique artistic charm…ttkk (31)in scenery • 3 months ago神农架:一个美丽而神秘的地方其名字源于中华民族的始祖神农氏,位于中国湖北省西北部。相传,神农氏曾在此地架木为梯,亲自尝试百草,发现了许多药用植物,因此得名神农架。这里不仅拥有原始森林、珍稀动植物,还隐藏着无数未解之谜。野人的传说、悬棺的奥秘、活化石的奇迹,以及迷雾森林的神秘,都让人心生向往。神农架的自然景观和人文历史交织在一起,构成了一幅幅神秘而迷人的画卷。…