BlogHide Resteemsweiching (49)in cn-cooking • 7 years ago🐟Tonight's Dinner: Steamed Fish 今日晚餐:憂鬱的魚🐟I was gonna make a pan-fried fish tonight, but then I thought the fish I bought was too pretty to cook that way. (Sure looks like she is pouting😗) I decided to steam it with soy sauce, sugar, with…weiching (49)in food • 7 years ago🍆Tonight's Dinner: Eggplant Freestyle 茄子刈包?🍆My wife really hates eggplant dishes, therefore I've been trying to find a way to make it acceptable to her. Tonight I've finally figured out an eggplant dish that she actually likes: Roast…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years agoSweet and Sour Pork 糖醋排骨I used to live in a town where traditional Chinese food was hard to come by. The best available option was Panda Express. Needless to say, it tasted like crap. One of their infamous dishes was Sweet…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years ago陰天的周末就是要喝粥周末的午餐S特別喜歡喝粥,一來不會吃得太脹,二來她喜歡搭配粥的小菜。以往我們總是用電鍋煮粥,但自從用了鑄鐵鍋煮了一次後,再也回不去了。用鑄鐵鍋煮出來的粥不會太黏稠,而且軟硬濃稀可以自由調整。米水比大約1:7~1:10,端看個人喜好。 今天的主菜是蔥燒豬肉捲,水煮活蝦,豆干扮泡菜。飯後甜點是無咖啡因紅茶及Five Elephant烘培的肯亞Tekangu淺焙咖啡。S吃的很開心。…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years agoPork&Egg Donburi 乾燒豚肉丼今天中午不想太麻煩做太多道菜,就簡單做了個乾燒豚肉丼 。😋 I've made a simple pork donburi for lunch. It only takes couple ingredients and can be done in 20 minutes. 食材: 三層肉 柴魚醬油,味醂,蔥末。 生蛋黃,韓式泡菜。…resteemeddrewzshots (42)in sndbox • 7 years agoKenting, TaiwanKenting is a beach town on Taiwan's southernmost tip. It's full of natural diversity and beautiful scenes to shoot. Here are some of my best shots from there. I arrived early in the morning…weiching (49)in food • 7 years agoVicky's 耳光炒饭 Erguang Fried RiceThis is a recipe for Erguang Fried Race, it literally means the dish is so good that you wouldn't let go even if someone slaps you! Check out her blog for the details . 看了@nostalgic1212的…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years ago香菇雞湯自S從月子中心回家後,一日三餐的進補基本上就交給我了。好在家裡附近有兩個傳統市場,哪家的肉比較新鮮,哪家的菜比較好吃也在過去幾個月慢慢的摸索出一套心得。有些外地的自耕農只有特定日期會來,他們帶來的貨品總是特別新鮮。…weiching (49)in musicchallenge • 7 years ago"海闊天空" by Beyond| Music Challenge 7 Favorite Songs | 音樂挑戰This is my G Song for "Music Challenge - 7 Favorite Songs" by @kona Although I can't speak Cantonese, I love the lyrics and the melody of "海闊天空" by Beyond. It's one of the iconic HK band in the…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years ago2018走春之台北最好吃提拉米蘇 Best Tiramisu in Taipei算一算 S自從待產,進月子中心,再回家帶小寶E也一個多月了,也該是出去呼吸自由空氣的時刻。S的首選還是文青麥加 -- 華山文創。( 文青這種病生個小孩也不會好 ) 一早把E餵飽後,就趁著這四小時的飽腹期,趕緊出發。這次的首要目標不是市集,也不是文創店,而是裡邊的一家義大利餐廳--Piccola Botega.…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years ago晒晒你的年夜饭: 炸年糕感謝@mrspiontm發起的 "晒晒你的年夜饭" 活動 晚上吃完飯把小寶哄睡後,幫S切了盤木瓜,沒想到她吃後說她還餓。想起一個好友耳提面命的"Happy Wife, Happy Life",趕緊動身再來做個消夜 : 炸年糕。…weiching (49)in dmania • 7 years agoCrypto TraderView post on dMania *Created at memes.comweiching (49)in musicchallenge • 7 years ago"Hotel California" by Eagles| Music Challenge 7 Favorite Songs | 音樂挑戰This is my F song for "Music Challenge- 7 Favorite Songs" by @kona Rock has always been my favorite, and it's very difficult to choose one favorite song. I choose Hotel California because it never…weiching (49)in food • 7 years agoKyoto 馬燒肉專門店 桜とmomijiThis is a restaurant in Kyoto that specialized in raw horse meat. It looks and tastes a lot like beef does. If you are an adventurous type, definitely check this place out. :) 天上龍肉,地上驢肉。…weiching (49)in food • 7 years agoKyoto Gogyo Ramen 京都五行拉麵Gogyo is one of our favorite ramen shops in Kyoto. The Shoyu Roman is purposely overcooked a bit to give you that extra flavor. Gyoza and karaage are also above average. It's near Nishiki Market, so…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years ago兒歌亂入之射鵰英雄傳1983版人的記憶真的好奇妙, 一首好久沒聽的歌會突然從嘴裡蹦出. 最近在哄小寶時驚然發現除了小星星以外, 我沒有兒歌可以唱. 所以只能臨場發揮, 連五月天的歌都可以拿來濫竽充數.(跪求大家唱給小寶的兒歌) 今天不知怎麼, 抱起小寶, 就開始哼起83版的射鵰英雄傳主題曲. 小寶好像也滿賞臉, 沒有大哭. 可見她也是個識貨的孩子, 因為83版的射鵰真的是經典中的經典阿~…weiching (49)in cn • 7 years agoChaos Is A Ladder 亂世出英雄最近幣市跟股市迎來久逢的波動. 這讓我想到權力遊戲(Game of Thrones)的一句名言: "Chaos Is A Ladder" -Petyr "LittleFinger" Baelish 財富的轉移或大幅累積靠的不是天下太平, 而是亂世. 不同的決定, 差個幾天, 財富就有10%+的分水嶺(幣市更是以50%起跳). 不想淌這混水的人, 長期持有…weiching (49)in musicchallenge • 7 years ago"Maggot Brain" by Funkadelic| Music Challenge 7 Favorite Songs | 音樂挑戰This is my E Song for "Music Challenge - 7 Favorite Songs" by @kona It's one of the most wicked songs I've heard, but the solo guitar is so sad and good that I keep listening to it, especially…weiching (49)in musicchallenge • 7 years ago"Ana's Song(Open Fire)" by Silverchair| Music Challenge 7 Favorite Songs | 音樂挑戰This is my D song for "Music Challenge - 7 Favorite Songs" by @kona The song is "Ana's Song(Open Fire)" by Silverchair. It's a 90s alternative band from Australia. I believe they are underrated…weiching (49)in musicchallenge • 7 years ago"The Köln Concert" by Keith Jarrett | Music Challenge 7 Favorite Songs | 音樂挑戰This is my third song for "Music Challenge - 7 Favorite Songs" by @kona The song is "The Köln Concert" by Keith Jarrett. One of my favorite solo piano piece. Spotify Link Due to copyright…