RE: Whales: You Have Some Flagging to Do

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Whales: You Have Some Flagging to Do

in abuse •  7 years ago  (edited)

You bernie aka Justin is the biggest conman on steemit. You found a flaw in protoshares mining. Which is bitshares now. And you also found a flaw while mining steemit when it was pow with botnets. Rabbit. You became a whale cheating. Then you use your power to bully and censor steemit minnows. Destroying ppls steemit accounts by flagging them. Some ppl live on steemit income and they have no food to eat.

Now your the one RAPING the reward pool as we speak with grumpycat. on steemit. Your days are numbered kid.

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He takes after his hero. You should definitely be suspect of anyone who supports Bernie Sanders in the crypto community. Bernie wants state control of everything. I mean helllllloooooo.

Wise but also obvious words my friend.

@berniesanders Steemit will be a lot better without you and your bots.

someone needs to tell @berniesanders mother and father!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I bet this picture is sooo accurate! What a joke he is.

Too many soy lattes turned @berniesanders into an overwieght blubbering hysterical mess!😂

All that estrogen has turned her into an emotional snowflake, having massive hissy fits on steemit! Shrunken testicles and growing manboobs! Poor comrade @BernieSanders and her booring Steemit posts!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I’m uneducated but I’m already a multimillionaire and yes I can do something. I’m doing it right now as we speak.

you spelt dirty bourgeoisie wrong

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

"I’m not dirty as I gained my wealth honestly. "

impossible under capitalism. All profit is unpaid wages.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I’m not whining I’m taking action. Im standing up for all the little minnows.
You destroyed my account after I worked on hard on it for a week. I have been advising billionaire investors in Silicon Valley on bitshares, eos and steem. They saw you wrecking havoc and have decided not to invest in steem. I have begged them to not give up on steem.
You are the sole reason why this platform cannot go up to the next level. Your a drug runner and punk.
I will not give up on this platform and the ppl in it. I will not give up on dans ideas and dreams for this platform. I will make it my duty to route you out.

I grew up all my life be bullied. And I learned early in life that you cannot talk your way out with a bully. You have to defend yourself and punch that bully in the face. You think your tough. Tell me a place and time. I would love to bare knuckle box for real. Your are scum. You are a bully.

You have wealth. You have power.
Change your ways you Back off. I back off very simple. Kid

"I grew up all my life be bullied. And I learned early in life that you cannot talk your way out with a bully. You have to defend yourself and punch that bully in the face."


It's actually sage advice. The only way to take down a bully is to show them what it's like to be bullied and scared. Most bullies are actually low self-esteemed losers.

uh psychology says punishment doesn't work as good as negative reinforcement, and is far worse than positive reinforcement.

That still wasn't my point either

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you can't even define communism can you

What part of my comment went over your head?

Here is a clue from before the masses were in a position to be dumbed down by controlling their sources of information,...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you can't even define communism can you

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Come on man say it, "You have 12 hours" "I have the means", show your digital muscles!