Actifit Plank Challenge

in actifit •  6 years ago 

This is my entry to the plank challenge by Actifit. Find the challenge here

Okay, people. What were you thinking LOL. You are getting some really good sound effects from me but not really good form. Sorry.

Anyway, since this is a challenge where all ages and sexes compete against each other, I have no illusions that I am not even going to be close to a winning entry.

But I am here to represent the over 60 female category 🤪

Actifit on!!!

If DTube doesn't play for you, here is the other Tube's version

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From where I'm sitting, that was perfectly fine if not utterly amazing what you just did for over two minutes. I have no idea what plank form looks like so that was fine, too. I'm not even sure I want to even see if I can do it for two minutes, let alone put it up for everyone to see, so bravery points. I'm wondering just how cutthroat the 60-plus women category is now. :)

how i see it, age should not be used as an excuse for anything. you should try it. even without the camera. do it on your knees if you have to. self knowledge is very important. have a nice day!

Hey, @franciferrer.

I probably should. In reality, there's all kinds of exercising I should be doing. And I agree, self-knowledge is very important. Including not only knowing your strengths, but also your limitations. All of it.

As for age, that's not as much of concern for me (though my aches and pains might tell you otherwise). I'm into evening on my side of the world, so in my case, have a good night. :)

oh i have aches too in my body. i am finding workarounds.
one must not do all of the exercises.... but the exercises that trains the core is a must,
train to be just enough fit to save a life for yourself or to save someone else's life. if need be. thats for me.. i might change my objective in the future.
confidence comes when you are sure about what you can or cannot do, but always you will try to know where you stand today.
its morning here. and im going to sleepy. goodnight then!

hahaha - there is none :) Us old folks have to compete with the young whipper snappers LOL

Ah, okay. I misunderstood what you meant by representing that age and gender group. It's all thrown together. Hmmmm. Well, I still say it all looked good. :) Good luck. I bet you end up with a better score than some of the whipper snappers. :)

You and I are on the same page on that one LOL

Excellent effort for the 60+ female category! You have my 100% support for getting it done! ❤️👍

Thank you!!! Let's get that category going LOL

great breathing! i would love to know what was the weakest link in your case. in your opinion.
you did an excellent plank.!

For me, it is my abdominals for sure. And having found Steemit and sitting on my butt too much. Actually, I have a big scar from a cancer operation and in the year of sitting too much (since I found steemit) the scar tissue did some weird things and totally destroyed my core strength. I have been working on breaking that up (after I made sure that it wasn't a tumor of some kind) and slowly, my strength is coming back. But still - far from 10 minutes strong 😂

Oh - and having kids doesn't help your abdominals either

wow, im glad you are a fighter. i think 5 mins would be a sweet spot for you. no need to overexert. i wish you much core strength. persist and you will prevail

my sister ruined her back. and she doesnt want to do anything with it to make it stronger. i really dislike it. how one will avoid the things which them liberates from the pain. out of pain grows strength. and it is important. no one should sacrifice temporary relief( or avoid temporary tension) but continue to live with chronic pain and a limited lifestyle.

im proud of you.

Thank you so much :) And I am sorry to hear about your sister. so many people could do so much to feel better - be it eating healthier, exercising more... But people have to get it themselves. If it comes from outside, it will do no good. We can only help those that want to help themselves. Otherwise, it is wasted breathe to say anything (learned that the hard way 😄)

i wish my Mom could do that.

You did better than me! I'm impressed!!

Thank you. You did well too!!

Thanks! :)

You are way better than me. I am a not fit young people. Lol. I admire you.

Nice job @mariannewest!! Way to show them we ladies can be strong at all stages of life. :)

Omg you're fantastic! 😍I cannot even do 10 seconds lol.

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