in acting •  8 years ago 

Just got home from performing at Sketch Up.

A little bragging here: Afterwards, a stranger told me I was a star.

What, you may ask, is Sketchup, and why is this post titled Not SNL? As you may imagine, for many actors, comedians, writers and other creatives in L.A., getting any sort of regular gig in our line of work is tough, and anything regular is a huge win. Becoming a writer or cast member on a show like SNL or MadTV or... In Living Color... would make any of us feel like we had "made it". It's the kind of thing that's possible enough that we all know someone who's done it, but it's so far off for us, that it seems impossible. How do you prepare yourself for the maybe someday? You do the same thing, but without a budget.

Sketchup is a monthly event at Second City Hollywood during which sketches are written, rehearsed and performed. SNL cast members get a week?! Pshaw! We get 10 hours! And tonight's was THE BOMB. You can imagine that when there's no time for editing or rethinking that things might go off the rails... and they can, but not tonight!

Here we are waiting to get into the space after rehearsal, but before tech:

Here are some pictures that my wife @stinawog took of the actual show:
I got to play Kiki, one of the real housewives of Las Vegas

And then Luigi, co-hosting a conversation about racial injustice

And a waiter serving men and their demonically possessed sex dolls
And half a dozen other characters over the course of the night. HOORAY!


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nice Post...

Nice, man. Wish I was still there so I could go check you out.

Who is your director, coach... mentor? Whatever you want to call them?

You mean at Second City, or in L.A. in general? Mirage Thrams is organizing the Sketchup. She finished the directing program at Second City a couple years ago. At ComedySportz, my coaches are Kurt Scholler and Lauren Pritchard. You know them?

I know Kurt. Good guy! Packer fan! Love me some Kurt! Say "hello" to him for me (if you remember).
I meant at SC. I know most people there... or did.

The people I know there are mostly the recent grads of the directing programs. I get cast in their shows, but they get taught by the legit faculty. So, while I've encountered, like, Nancy and Mark, I haven't really worked with them. My home base is CSz.

If you ever come to visit, you'll be welcome at all my shows, and I'll be sure to get any Steemians who want to come comps if I can!

Oh, that's awesome, man! I've heard of Second City before. Isn't that where a lot of talents from SNL start from? Heck, even my one of my favorites, Stephen Colbert, started from there if I'm not mistaken. That's huge! You're in the right path to fulfilling your dreams, and I'm happy to bear witness to your journey. Just keep at it, man!

Yes and no. Yes, Second City in the 80s in Chicago produced most of the talent for SNL... "no" in that, its being renowned for that has made it a relatively huge school both in that its Chicago location is larger and in that it has branches, like the one in Hollywood. I like it. I think it teaches its teachings well, but there's no barrier to entry in the things I'm doing with it. Its mainstage in Chicago is still elite and puts out stars, but being in the shows I'm in there is no indication of future success (other than, yes, you're right, I'm on a right path.)

Ahh I see. You know, currently I'm operating under the belief that if you just chip at it, eventually whatever barrier is going to break and you'll be able reach your desired goal. I have the utmost faith in you, man. I know you only through the internet, but I have a good feeling about you.
