ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Money Velocity

in adsactly •  7 years ago  (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #47

ADSactly - Money Velocity

What is money velocity?

Well, it is not the speed by which your monthly salary vanished in your local supermarket, even though it could also be defined in a similar manner. The velocity of money is a rate at which economics flow in the financial system of the entire world. It is and will be a closed system before we, eventually, meet the aliens and start cooperating with them. Jokes aside. We all know very well that some individuals have strong financial flows going through their hands while some have none at all. The velocity by which these flows flow is the artery of the well-being of the human race. 'Money makes the world go round', as Liza used to sing. Well, without the velocity, it stops. This is why money should never stop flowing and always retain a stable high velocity.


When the money flow is stopped (a group of non-producers decides not to spend their money), a producer down the line will feel something is wrong, because the flow will not reach the destination where it's needed for the creation of new goods, assets or services. In the past, this kind of situations often resulted in rebellions and revolutions. Today, with the grand success of ongoing McDonaldization of human mind and enormous human productive energy daily lost in vain pursuits of useless pleasures, the revolutions are not likely to happen. At least not successfully.
However, the main problem is that majority of people are either: too comfortable, too depressed or live in disbelief, to go out and unite to change things. They are exactly at the sad, tired place where their masters love to see them. Why? Because in this condition, you're no threat to them.


The results of low velocity are unemployment, recessions, loss of self-respect, starvation, diseases, criminal activities, overall depression and wars. All of these are very present in the great world society that we are trying to believe in as 'the best one we ever had'. It is crazy how many powerful forces of destruction human race is still facing, even though Elon is sending electric cars to space.

Taxation was one of the ways to prevent the stoppage of financial flows, especially in times of crisis. It was invented so that the state could use the money for the greater good of all. It is supposed to take large amounts of money from non-producers and a little some from the producers. Why so? Because producers return the money to the system, anyway. The governments are supposed to use the tax money for keeping the velocity at high rates, for example, to give people jobs through important municipal projects and other activities that benefit all.
But what it turned to? It became a theft of producers on a big scale. Only small portions are taken from the huge non-producing centralized systems and large portion form the working producers.


Some countries face huge state administrations, parasites who actively work maybe 2 hrs per day. I don't want to give my tax money to those people. Other countries 'invest' in weapon industry even though there are a hundred times more weapons in the world that is needed to kill us all over tenfold. Crisis situations are created to approve the huge useless expenditures and high taxes for common people, while the real problem of non-producers and counter-producers ruling the game, never goes away. This is one of the reasons why crypto revolution is so important. Help it grow.

Now you know why.

And a little joke in the end. Check out this jobless non-producer wearing an 800$ suit and a shiny silk tie. If they all start working and producing something useful for the world, instead of paper pushing and inventing new financial derivatives (for example), there would be no unemployment in the world.


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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 5 The Value of Our Time
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 6 Cooperation and fair benefits
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 25 Full Stack Startup
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 38 ADSactly - Taxation of Crypto - Part #1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 39 ADSactly - Taxation of Crypto - Part #2
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 41 ADSactly - Steem Witness
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 42 ADSactly - CurveCoin Club
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 43 ADSactly - XP Coin Club
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 44 ADSactly - MASTERNODES - A new vision for the blockchain (#1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 45 ADSactly - MASTERNODES - A new vision for the blockchain (#2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 46 ADSactly - Producers and Others


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Logically, the more concentrated money is in a system, the more the velocity of money is dependent upon the monetary activities of the holders of money. The actions of this concentrated income stratum therefore affects the velocity of money. If the rich are found to empirically save more (or convert their money into less liquid assets), then velocity decreases.


To offset the velocity one neds to retain as many real life skills as possible that will enable the alternatives to set aside the control of money, here is how I have done it.

The main problem of this comfort zone of most people. But the same fear plays a fundamental role and no cohesion. These factors play into the hands of those who control the "Parade". First of all people begin to fight the problem and effect. The problem is the unfair system, and the consequence is a doomed people. For example, instead of obedenitsja against the injustice system, people begin to fight with each other. Struggling for a place in this system, rather than with the system itself.
The financial system is built so that there will always be a minority who control the majority. In many countries, people were forced to spend a large part of his life and energy to work. And that brings them their work? Money on accommodation. That is, only work in order to survive. At the same time, the other person does nothing and gets ten times more. Unfair right?
Taxes is a tool of certain States to maintain sobsvennogo mode. (first of all must be judged by the standard of living of the population). Some countries contain huge administrative apparatus. Some countries contain enormous power apparatus. Money citizens go on maintaining the power of individuals. To create weapons. This is not correct.
It is those people who hold in their hands the power always bear responsibility for the lives of citizens. With proper and fair distribution of money everything can change. ..
Thanks, good article.


However, the main problem is that majority of people are either: too comfortable, too depressed or live in disbelief, to go out and unite to change things.

That’s completely true! Including this nice suited nonproductive guy paper pushing and inventing new financial nonexistent derivatives. Vhen it come to money velocity If everyone stays home and leaves their money in the bank, velocity is zero. If people go shopping, and those who receive the money spend it too, then velocity grows. just like you mentioned in your post. Since 2008 the money velocity has plunged. This plunge in velocity explains why Federal Reserve money printing since 2008 has not produced much inflation.

Money as currency created by a country is the way to create and continue the flow of goods , services and infrastructure creation.
Sadly, the only way this is possible in western Democratic society is by taxation of the population. The unfair way the tax system works is the result of corruption in the government but even then money is allocated by the government to get everyone a road to drive on, water in the pipes and social support for the weak. The only way to stop and change the reality of things right now is to stop consuming debt because the service of debt is what lines the pocket of the unproducing members of society. Sadly most of us still live mainly on debt and to stop living in debt will stop the flow of the money - bringing chaos, war and anarchy.
Crypto currency is currently a disruptive of consumption that has not yet consolidated and by the looks of it the long term effect of crypto will be the disappearance of cash money. This will make taxation much more effective and could even make it fair. Hopefully nothing will stop this crypto revolution and we will all live in a world that fair. Just remember fair doesn't mean kind or nice....
Thank you for this informative and eye opening post

Amazing post indeed. Thanks for sharing all the info.

thanks bro.

Good job!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The exact flow of all money (velocity) in the world cannot be calculated perfectly.
Its not only money but also wealth. There are much wealth, even hidden wealth are much more protected.
Its not about how much money we have, but how much we have used them for a good purpose. Donating $1M to the charity institution would obviously preferable than buying car worth that $1M.
No matter how much effort we have to increase our money, we will never be satisfied.

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”
― Bob Marley

Well for me money is just a piece of paper that can be replace. But for family,friend and love is more important in this world..
Many people forget that.. Because they are. Blinded for what money can gives like power.. That why we never live Peace...

We can live without money.

Yah its true money work is this world but sometimes we value money to much and we often forgot that there are more important than money, like family and love ones

wow Congratulations amazing post indeed. Thanks for sharing all the information to us . up voted!

It is a great post about the velocity of money and to control manually

nice post. thanks your post...

yes good men @adsactly

Flowe me dane me flowe

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Money is all....employment person's money velocity is high but uemploment person's money velocity is low.....thanks for your important post....

nice or lovely

Everybody needs a job, which has a lot of happiness, some of whom do not have much cast. They spend a lot of money in cash without money, they are all the money.
One of our jobs can change the life.

congratulations, @adsactly

Thanks @adsactly for this as this is the case of my country as the velocity of the flow of money is on a low due to various methods by the government to tax the poor non producing part of the country, unemployment is on the rise plus other things and the has place the velocity of money and the economic flow to a low state.

Buenas tarde amigo. saludos desde venezuela. Aqui le deje mi voto. Unidos podemos lograr grandes metas. Saludos

well post .i like it. folloe your all post..
thanks you.

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Great post

Exelente post :3

great post @adsactly

This is absolutely amazing post thanks for sharing


its a important post for us

good post, bro

Good job.

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takes time for promise and opportunity to cone to fruition. The increased regulatory scrutiny coming will impact markets in the short term but it will be to protect consumers and investors until we get better guidelines.

Excellent post.

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This is a very great post, so informative and healthy. Worthy of reading, thank bro.

This is my first comment. Yes, I'm new. Hate being a newbie but I guess I need to start somewhere. Anyways. My thought is this. Does there ever come a time when the velocity of money is "too fast". What I mean is. Is there ever a time when actually paying money for something isn't worth the effort? For example. The other day my wife went into a local gas station convenience store. She likes Coke. Not Pepsi. But because Coke was out at the fountain drink station she chose Pepsi. She explained to the attendant working the register that she prefers Coke and since they were all out of Coke she chose Pepsi. He gave it to her for free. Yes. Free. For some reason that $1.76 drink wasn't worth charging my wife for. Why not? It kind of baffles me because that money could be used to keep that gas station open. Keep the attendants job. Etc. Etc. Etc. Another example of this is when I was teaching my kids (Twin four year old boy and girl) to tip the pizza delivery person. The kids were really excited to give the tip. And all they had were quarters they had saved in their little piggy banks. The deliver girl didn't accept the money, even though it was about $4 worth of quarters! Talk about a lesson gone wrong. I was trying to teach my kids about money and paying folks for their work and they got denied hard! My point is that there are many kinds of behavior our society engages in that also slows the velocity of money.

Thanks for this article. Really enjoyed it!

the more concentrated money is in a system, the more the velocity of money is dependent upon the monetary activities of the holders of money. The actions of this concentrated income stratum therefore affects the velocity of money. If the rich are found to empirically save more (or convert their money into less liquid assets), then velocity decreases.

Yes, I agree that the money should work. And a good example too. good article

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What a good post, thank you for your good contribution to this social network, is what we want good contribution, congratulations, keep it up!

Thanks for putting this out. One of the simple pleasures in my life is seeing everyone slowly awaken and see what's really going on. The more we wake up the more we grumble until everyone finally starts a discussion… and the magic of our species happens. Only this time it happens all over the world and maybe even for the last time.

Amazing post indeed. Thanks for sharing all the info.


Nice post indeed. Thanks for sharing all the info.

Благодарю за подписку, подписался взаимно!

This article is very interesting to read...
I just love it, and I'll wait for the next article...

A work before paying, and workload how to find out time to an end. good a posted by you.

Bagus sekali

Todo lo expuesto es la forma correcta como se maneja la economía. Solamente en Venezuela, junto con Cuba, donde los "gobiernos de Turno" dicen que eso no es así, que el capitalismo es malo, que la única vía es el socialismo(Claro, socialismo para el Pueblo, pero para ellos capitalismo del mejor) Allí vemos como cada día por aplicar y tomar decisiones erróneas, contrarias a las teorías monetarias expuestas en el Post, los países se hunden en el atraso, lo que se traduce en el deterioro de la calidad de vida de los Ciudadanos.

very nice ! upvote


Great post!...thanks for sharing that knowledge

Important post.....upvote and resteem done....

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@adsactly image

full post i ready thank you @adsactly for sharing this valuable post

information I really needed, I opened my eyes a little more

Thanks, very informative.




Thank you, nice work-Up-voted!

buen dia encuesta porque me siguess y no votas mis post

"And a little joke in the end. Check out this jobless non-producer wearing an 800$ suit and a shiny silk tie. If they all start working and producing something useful for the world, instead of paper pushing and inventing new financial derivatives (for example), there would be no unemployment in the world"

And that is really a touching and inspiring joke, to be candid, there are a lot of creative souls out there that needs just that or one quarter, but he who has a cap might not be with a head and those that have heads, rarely you could find them with caps. that's an adage here in my Country. nice post, an inspiration to all.

Hi. I leave you my vote, I hope you can go through my blog

good job,thanks your sharing

nice post


Interesting topic! especially the picture! It's very easy to understand !

Saludos, buena la publicación, pero cuando la economía de un país no esta complementada, no se logra los avances y la velocidad del dinero va con las actividades de las masas. que piensas en cuanto a las monedas virtuales en VENEZUELA en Marzo lanzaron un Cripto activo el Petro. crees que este lanzamiento ayudaría a las economías emergente salir de sus problemas en cuanto al dinero o buscar de inversiones para su desarrollo?.

Nice post

Thank you, nice work-Up-voted!

nice post....

goot photo..

Amazing post indeed Logically, the more concentrated money is in a system, the more the velocity of money is dependent upon the monetary activities of the holders of money Hi I run a masternode and features depends on which crypto you choose.
Yes it is an investment but it is being part of the network and helping it to grow.
Masternodes helps anonymity but they also give owner the right to vote for coin decisions and spending balance.
Plus they help price stability because stored coins can not be spent.
There are masternodes with unrealistic ROI but they are exceptions.
Plus ROI decrease each time a new masternode is added.

verry importent info

thanks for this information........